Haiku Friday – Bliss & Brawn

22 Jun

Hi, everyone! Welcome!

Don’t build your paradise on sand or online. Sometimes the world is too bright. That’s because we’re looking into a screen. I’m blinded by false smiles. Status: Happily married. Happy and married until the moment you go off line? Although there are many genuine people on social media and I know a bunch, there are also people living their lives in a digital utopia. Family and friends are my paradise.

Two things upset me this week. The first, I came across a picture of a friend on Instagram. She wore a huge smile and looked happy and radiant. Then I read the caption. She wrote that just before she took the selfie she had been crying her eyes out. I called her to find out what was going on. It turns out she was devastated, because her cat had died. I understand not wanting to post about her cat’s demise, but why then post a picture depicting herself as being happy when she clearly wasn’t?

Then I got the news that another friend was getting divorced. It came as a complete shock to me and apparently everyone else, because there were a myriad of photos online of the happy couple hugging and kissing at the beach, smiling lovingly into each other’s eyes, looking like the perfect pair. Some of the pictures were dated a day or two before the announcement was made. To say I was confused is an understatement.

I guess no one wants their feed cramped with sad pictures and people griping about their problems. I get that. If you’ve travelled, made a discovery, baked a cake, had a great meal, accomplished something, by all means, post it online but be honest about it. I want to know the good with the bad. Maybe I can learn something from your experience.

I love social media as much as the next person but I wouldn’t post a picture of myself grinning from ear to ear unless I was truly happy at that moment.

Also, be present when you’re with your loved ones. Enjoy their company. Put away that iPhone, pad, laptop. They won’t be around forever, so be present in the moment. Life is made of moments and we need to experience each one, because we don’t know which will have an impact on our lives.

Bliss and Brawn are this week’s prompt words chosen by Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes.

Ron hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge every Monday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your haiku poem. He is an author and poet and also does author interviews and much more on his blog. Be sure to check it out. Read Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge Guidelines for more information.

family-social media-internet-Haiku_Friday-Poetry-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-RonovanWrites-online

The world is broken

Our strong family bond

Is our paradise

Family-friends-online-haiku_Friday-Poetry-photos-collage-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q

Live in the Moment

Search for bliss online

Virtual hugs comfort none

I prefer real flesh

internet-hugs-friends-Haiku_Friday-Poetry-haiku-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-RonovanWrites

Have a great day!

36 Responses to “Haiku Friday – Bliss & Brawn”

  1. Gwen Plano June 22, 2018 at 3:44 pm #

    Real hugs reach deep…I so agree with you, Vashti. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 22, 2018 at 3:50 pm #

      There’s nothing like real interpersonal time. 😉 Thank you! Have a great weekend! ❤ xx


  2. Annette Rochelle Aben June 22, 2018 at 3:46 pm #

    Hug that family often and tightly! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Teagan R. Geneviene June 22, 2018 at 4:09 pm #

    Vashti, I agree about wanting people to be genuine.
    I think when it comes down to it, few people are willing to be around (have anything to do with) anyone who is sad or unfortunate for too long or too often. Knowing that about themselves, they have to put on that false front.
    (I’m sure having a loving family is a wonderful thing, so I’m glad you treasure yours.)
    I’ll send you a virtual hug even if they are useless, because that’s all I can do. TGIF hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Teagan R. Geneviene June 22, 2018 at 4:09 pm #

      PS: Wishing you millions of marvelous moments.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 22, 2018 at 5:53 pm #

      Aww, I completely understand that. And I’ll take that virtual hug, because I know that unfortunately there’s no other way. I know people that live 10-15 minutes from friends and family and yet they rather communicate over the internet or text on the phone. That’s what I’m talking about. I’ll send you virtual hugs and kisses, because it’s a lovely thought and like you said, it’s all I can do. But if you lived nearby you would be receiving at least one bear hug a week.😘

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  4. John W. Howell June 22, 2018 at 4:34 pm #

    Excellent post, Vashti. Don’t have any answers as to why folks seem to want to be shallow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 22, 2018 at 6:01 pm #

      I think there are lots of answers. Some people need the attention, while others are afraid to show who they really are or what their lives are really like and it could be as innocent as not wanting to worry their families or bring people down. We may never know all the reasons people do the things they do.😏 Thank you! I’m happy you liked the post. Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. olganm June 22, 2018 at 5:06 pm #

    Great advice. Sometimes people get so used to playing a part that they forget who they really are. Thanks, Vashti.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jill Weatherholt June 22, 2018 at 5:41 pm #

    Terrific post, Vashti! Putting our phones away is so important. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. D.L. Finn June 22, 2018 at 9:01 pm #

    I agree! When you are around people put your phone down and enjoy them! I can’t paste a fake smile on either…so then it gets quiet on my social media. I have a thing about being honest and its not always popular but I couldn’t imagine posting happy pictures if I was getting a divorce…living in the moment is SO important. Thanks for this post, Vashti:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 23, 2018 at 6:41 pm #

      Great minds think alike, Denise. 😉 Thank you! Enjoy the weekend!


  8. Soooz June 22, 2018 at 9:38 pm #

    I need those loving hugs and shared conversations as a seed needs rain and sunshine in order to grow. I live with my daughter and grandson and we have set a time each day to switch off online and switch on to each other. I cherish it. I have thoughts and concerns for others in my life whose only interactions are the virtual ones. Presenting a happy face at all times is done I believe to counteract their innate fear of appearing to be vulnerable and the terrifying possibility that they may be perceived as a failure. How sad that is. Thanks for this post, Vashti. It made me think … and that can only ever be a good thing, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 23, 2018 at 6:46 pm #

      I can be a hermit when I’m writing but I do take time to visit with family and friends. I need that too. I agree with what you wrote about why people feel the need to present a happy face at all times. You’re so right and it is sad. You’re very welcome. Thank you too! ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  9. D. Wallace Peach June 23, 2018 at 2:38 pm #

    Great photos of all the friends “in the flesh,” Vashti. Internet friendships are wonderful, but hugging the monitor isn’t quite the same. Ha ha. Beautiful haiku. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 23, 2018 at 6:51 pm #

      Hi Diana! Ha, ha! No, hugging a monitor is definitely not the same. I love and enjoy my online friends but if I had a choice, I would love to meet them in person. It would be wonderful to give them a real hug and kiss. Thank you! 😀 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  10. coldhandboyack June 24, 2018 at 5:11 pm #

    Great post. So many of us are building a platform that we filter everything we post. I’ve seen some online that could occasionally use a filter though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 27, 2018 at 1:38 pm #

      Ha, ha! I agree. There is such a thing as over-share and TMI (too much information). There has to be a balance. When I see someone sharing the same types of pictures over and over again, I can’t help thinking the person is over compensating for something or trying to convince us or his or her self of something. 😉 xx

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  11. dgkaye June 24, 2018 at 7:48 pm #

    Beautiful haikus and beautiful message Vashti. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  12. robbiesinspiration June 25, 2018 at 12:06 pm #

    I agree with you, Vashti. People are very misleading on social media. I wouldn’t post pictures of myself happy if I wasn’t either.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 27, 2018 at 1:52 pm #

      Hi Robbie! That’s the perfect word––misleading. I have a large family and not everyone lives in Florida, so one of the reasons I enjoyed Facebook was because I could check in on relatives living in other states to see how they were doing, but now I don’t know what is real and what is not. Although, I guess it could be the same on the phone or in person. If a person wants to put up a flawless public facade to mask their private despair there’s no way for us to know. :/ Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. 😀 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. balroop2013 June 27, 2018 at 1:32 pm #

    Hypocrisy got a boost when Instagram and Facebook entered our lives! I love those haikus you have posted with profound thoughts to ponder. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 27, 2018 at 1:57 pm #

      Thank you, my friend! I heard someone say once that hypocrisy was part of having good manners. It was said in Spanish, so hopefully it translates the same in English. I think I understand that, but the kind of hypocrisy that goes on in social media knows no bounds. 😀 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Sunni Morris June 27, 2018 at 6:55 pm #

    Very good advise and reminder, Vashti. We all get too caught up in electronics these days. Friends and family won’t be there forever and we should all enjoy the time we have with them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vashti Q June 27, 2018 at 8:53 pm #

      Hello, Sunni! Thank you. We all need to be reminded once in a while. In our quest to build our brands we get caught up in the world wide web and forget that those we love, like you said, won’t be around forever. 😀 xx


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