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GRINDERS ~ a new release by C. S. Boyack

9 Mar

Happy Monday, everyone! I am excited to welcome back an exceptional guest, Author, C. S. Boyack.

He’s got a brand new release and is here to talk about it. So, without further ado, let’s welcome him!

Thanks for having me over today, Vashti. You’re always welcome to stop at my place the next time you’re touring a project around.

My newest book is called Grinders, and it’s a bit of science fiction known as cyberpunk. I’ll let the blurb go into the details about the story. My topic on this leg of the tour is research.

I write speculative fiction, and that includes fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction. Many people think we have it easy, because we don’t have to do the deep research that other authors do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oh, we don’t have it so bad, I think the murder procedural type authors might have it a bit worse, but there is research involved.

One my things is to tie as much as I can to something realistic whenever possible. That way when I ask for a leap of faith from readers they’ll be more likely to take one with me.

Grinders is set in San Francisco of the future. The California coastline is already eroding, and some cities currently have plans of relocating homeowners along crumbling cliffs and such. With global warming already upon us, and a melting ice pack in Antarctica, what might San Francisco look like 100 years from now? Turns out there are some projections available online.

I modified my version of San Francisco to destroy some coastal areas, and even moved the shoreline to some different streets. I even made a slight reference to Telegraph Island in the story which is known as Telegraph Hill on today’s map.

Then I made a small leap of faith, and included some underwater apartments. These are refurbished towers, that are now just offshore. We must have made some advances in a hundred years.

One cool bit of research I included involved scientists who’ve learned to grow electrical circuitry inside plants. These are more carbon based than copper wires you might be used to. I decided there was an electric forest just outside the city. Using the process of photosynthesis and some of these carbon connections, the city generated power from the forest.

In the world of Grinders, the electric forest is old technology. It’s currently being torn down and developed, because something better came along.

There is, or was, a group in my home state of Idaho who developed a different kind of solar power collection units. These involve pebbled glass hexagons that snap together like some kind of toys. The original thought was to use them as roofing material. Then they came up with the idea of replacing asphalt with them. There are thousands of miles of roads in this country, and if deployed, it could produce one hell of a lot of electricity without defacing anything that hasn’t already been defaced.

The electronic forest has been replaced by something called The Grid, based upon these solar panels. It’s science fiction, so I get to ramp things up. Power flows both ways from this grid, and it can light up for first responders, that kind of thing. It’s also hooked to a central database and all the cars are electric. It drives the cars with more efficiency than we are capable of. Just tell The Grid where you’re going and enjoy the ride.

This is just a small taste of what the grid is capable of, and it’s almost a character in its own right within the story.

One last one for this post. The main characters in the story are cops. They are assigned to the worst duty in the department, and I make references to more high profile duty as they go about their tasks. This brings me to opiate yeast.

A few years ago, a group in New Zealand decided they could take over the legal opium trade by replacing all the poppies with yeast. This involved some gene editing, and in their minds would be safer and more secure in a lab environment they could control. No more of those nasty gangs converting the crops for the illegal opium trade.

I thought it was a horrible idea at the time, and used that in Grinders. Yeast is microscopic. It’s in our homes, environment, and the air we breathe. I just don’t see it staying confined to a lab, and it’s going to run wild at some point. I keep a thirty year old sourdough starter at home, so I know a little about this.

Again, it’s a leap of faith, but in the world of Grinders, the opiate yeast has become the dominant organism. Home brewers and bakers are a real problem, and those cops get the better equipment and headlines. It also gave me a chance to bring up San Francisco sourdough and the difficulty of finding opiate free yeast. Basic bread and beer now come from laboratory controlled producers. It’s a fun way of turning things on their heads as part of the setting for my story.

These are just a few of the things that make up the environment of Grinders. The story is fun, the characters are great, but I wanted to focus on the setting for today’s post. I hope I intrigued you enough to check out the book.

Thanks again for lending me your space today, Vashti. It means a lot to me.

It’s a pleasure to have you here, my friend. Your world building skills are amazing. Research is a huge part of fiction writing, especially in Sc-Fi and Fantasy. Many readers are not aware of the extensive research that goes into these books. Thank you for demonstrating that today.



Jimi Cabot made one mistake as a starving college student. When she went to work for the San Francisco Police Department, it nearly cost her the job. The union stepped in and they had to reinstate her. They did so by assigning her to the duty nobody wants, Grinder Squad.

Grinders are people who use back room surgeries to enhance their bodies with computer chips, and various kinds of hardware. Jimi is sure that if she can just bust one grind shop, it will be her ticket back.

Paired with veteran cop, she soon learns that Grinder Squad is a cash-cow for the department. They are nothing more than glorified patrol cops, and generally get the worst assignments.

Matchless is the most wanted grinder of all time. He disappeared years ago, leaving only the evidence of those he enhanced during his career. With these pieces, Jimi picks up the cold trail to try working her way back to more respectable duty.

Grinders is a cyberpunk story set in a world where global warming has eroded coastlines, and society has solved many of our current problems by replacing them with new ones. There are cyber shut-ins, cyber-currency skimming schemes, and more in this futuristic tale.

This book also takes the opportunity to poke a stick at current issues that seem to have lasted into the future. Entitled people, helicopter moms, overzealous homeowner associations, and lack of decent jobs are all present. Never preachy, these issues make up the day to day work of a patrol officer.

I hope you enjoy Grinders as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you.

Purchase link:

You can contact Craig at the following locations:

Blog My Novels  Twitter Goodreads Facebook Pinterest BookBub

Book Launch: Murder at the Bijou – Three Ingredients 1

20 Aug

Hello everyone! I have a very special guest today, author Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene. She’s been a guest here before and I love having her. Teagan is here to announce the launch of her new book. I’ll let her take it from here.

Teagan's Books-guest blogger-author spotlight-book-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Vashti Quiroz Vega

Announcing the Launch of
Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I

Introducing the second “three things” serial, in novel form Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I.

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Yes, that’s the cover. (I love making covers!) I kept it similar to the one for the first serial, The Three Things Serial Story, but with different 1920s photos.

For those of you who are not familiar with my blog serials…

Ages ago I developed a writing exercise. I asked friends to give me three completely random things. Then I would write until I had mentioned all the things. I brought that exercise to my blog (Teagan’s Books), but I had the readers send me their things. I let the random things drive every detail of a serial story, setting, plot, and characters. That resulted in The Three Things Serial Story, which gave birth to this culinary mystery. However, this time the “things” are food related — or ingredients.

About the Book

As with the first serial, Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I is a spontaneously written, pantser story. I wrote by the seat of my pants and let the “ingredients” readers sent each week drive a new serial story. This is the “bookized” version of that serial.

This time the Jazz Age setting is Savannah, Georgia where our flapper, Pip, is “sentenced” to live with her grandmother and learn to cook. Pip gets caught up in a layered mystery that includes bootleggers, G-men, and the varied challenges of being a young woman in changing times. She meets new friends, including some animal characters.

If you have not read The Three Things Serial Story, be warned. This adventure contains a bit of a spoiler, but does not go into detail about it.

Murder at the Bijou — Three Ingredients I is available through and Amazon and Create Space. If you don’t have a Kindle, Amazon also offers a free app that will let you read Kindle books on your computer or other device. The purchase links are below. But first, here’s a snippet.

Murder at the Bijou-spotlight-book_launch-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Vashti Quiroz Vega-guest blogger-novel

In my imagination, a young Lucille Ball would play Pip.


Rutabaga Limbo

Either I woke up feeling horribly nauseated, or the queasiness woke me. I’m not sure which. I opened my eyes to complete darkness. There was no light, no sound. The way my stomach tossed reminded me of a small boat on the ocean. It was as if I sailed in a lightless limbo.

Oh… that was a bad train of thought to have with an unsettled belly.

Think of something else! Anything else, I told myself.

I stood unsteadily. The sound of a cricket came to me. Good. The utter silence had been very disturbing. I became aware of the cool moist earth beneath my palms.

Where the Sam Hill was I?

I sat back on my heels, focusing all my senses. My eyes might as well have been closed — it was that dark. Bare ground was beneath me. The air had a musty odor. A sickly sweet scent clung to my bobbed hair.

The cricket’s chirping was the only sound. Still sitting, I turned. My eyes widened and strained, trying to see in that heavy darkness. When I looked up I was rewarded with the sight of a thin line of pink light.

The faint glow allowed me to see vague outlines a few feet away. I stumbled over something and stooped down to let my hands figure out what it was. I felt a burlap bag and round lumps. Rutabagas? I felt around and found another bag. That one felt like potatoes. I moved closer to the wall and a tall shape. Yes, a ladder, my questing hands confirmed for my still foggy brain.

Gazing up at the line of pinkish light I realized I was in a root cellar.

But how did I get there?


Purchase Links

Amazon USA



Amazon UK

Amazon UK (Paperback)

Amazon Japan


Author Bio

Visual for Teagan_2017-Chris the story reading ape- Murder at the Bijou-spotlight-book_launch-Teagan Riordain Geneviene-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Vashti Quiroz Vega-guest blogger-novel

Image by Chris Graham

Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene, a southerner by birth, was “enchanted” by the desert southwest of the USA when she moved there. Now a resident of a major east coast city, she longs to return to those enchanting lands.

Teagan had always devoured fantasy novels of every type. Then one day there was no new book readily at hand for reading — so she decided to write one. And she hasn’t stopped writing since.

Her work is colored by her experiences in both the southern states and the southwest. Teagan most often writes in the fantasy genre, but she also writes 1920s stories and Steampunk. Her blog “Teagan’s Books” contains serial stories written according to “things” from viewers.

You can also visit me at:


Vashti Quiroz-Vega: The Fall of Lilith – #free until 2017-08-05! @VashtiQV

5 Aug

Hello and Welcome! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Author and Book Blogger, Karen Oberlaender is kind enough to have me as a guest author on her blog, My Train of Thoughts. Please head on over there and check out the post.

Also, don’t forget to download your free The Fall of Lilith eBook on Amazon. The promotion ends today! Please tell your bookworm, book-nerd, bibliophile and bookish family and friends about this promotion.

I appreciate the support. ❤

Download eBook here.

my train of thoughts-karen oberlaender-guest_author-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-The Fall of Lilith-ebook-free-amazon-The Writer Next Door


Source: Vashti Quiroz-Vega: The Fall of Lilith – #free until 2017-08-05! @VashtiQV

Wandering Thoughts of a Writer | Free eBook The Fall of Lilith

4 Aug

Wandering Thoughts of a Writer-Rebekkah Ford-guest blogger-the fall of lilith-fantasy angels series-free_book

Happy Friday everyone! I’m very happy and excited to announce that Author Rebekkah Ford has featured me on her beautiful blog today. Please head on over there and check out the post!

Don’t forget to download your FREE (eBook) copy of The Fall of Lilith on Amazon! It’s free today and tomorrow only! 8/04 & 8/05

Click here to download your free eBook

The Fall of Lilith-dark fantasy-free_book-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Amazon-guest blogger-spotlight-wandering thoughts of a writer

Click the link below to visit the post . . .

Wandering Thoughts of A Writer Blog

Spotlight: Olga Nuñez Miret Author/Translator

5 Jun

The devil whispered in my ear,

“You’re not strong enough

to withstand the storm.”

Today I whispered in the devil’s ear,

“I am the storm.”

I introduce to you today Hurricane Olga Nuñez Miret. Author, Psychiatrist, translator, blogger––these titles do not begin to describe the woman. It is difficult to keep tract of all of Olga’s accomplishments, believe me, there are a plethora of deeds. I am certain that you will take pleasure in getting to know Olga Nuñez Miret as much as I have because apart from being a talented author and fascinating woman, she’s also a lovely human being.

Olga is a great supporter of fellow authors, writers and bloggers. On her blog you’ll find many book reviews and author spotlights, so please be sure to check it out.

**Click on the picture below to read about a book event she and her mom helped organize in Madrid, Spain.

Literania2017-Olga Nuñez Miret-books-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-spotlight

LITERANIA 2017 | A Book Fair and Much, Much More . . .

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Author Olga Nuñez Miret

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In her words . . .

I was born in Barcelona and moved to the UK many years ago. I’ve worked as a psychiatrist, have a degree and PhD in American Literature and a Masters in Criminology. Yes, I like to study. I love books, and I’ve been writing since I was a child. Started self-publishing in 2012 and I’ve published a family saga, a YA story, a romantic book with three endings and a psychological thriller (collecting three stories with a psychiatrist/writer as main character). I publish all my works in English and Spanish. After working in the NHS for nearly 8 years I’ve decided to try other things. I’ll keep on writing stories and will offer my services as translator to other authors. Stories make the world go round. Apart from reading and writing I love to meet new people and learn about them, I also enjoy keeping fit. I’m trying meditation and I hope to stick with it. I love the cinema and going to the theatre. I crochet but don’t have much time for it these days. I don’t eat meat and love fruit and vegetables. I write a blog sharing the work of other writers, random thoughts, reviews (of books, movies, plays…) and anything else….Come along to meet me.

The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-author-spotlight-Olga Nuñez Miret-owl

Olga speaks, reads and writes both English and Spanish fluently, so if you are interested in translating your English books to Spanish follow this link (details are at the bottom of the page).




Olga’s 1st novel: The Man Who Never Was

(Also available in spanish) El Hombre Que Nunca Existió

The_Man_Who_Never_was-Olga Nuñez-Miret-books-spotlight-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q

Twin Evils? A YA/Adult novella (paranormal, fairy tale)

Also in Spanish: Gemela Maldad

twin-evils-Olga Nuñez-Miret-books-spotlight-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q

Click Me Happy! A romantic novella, where the reader can choose between three endings.

Also available in Spanish

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Escaping Psychiatry A collection of three novellas (Psychological thriller)

(In spanish) Una vez psiquiatra…

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Family, lust and cameras (Psychological Thriller Novella)

(En español) Familia, lujuria y cámaras

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I Love Your Cupcakes (A sweet romance)


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**Click on any of the book cover images or follow the links if you’d like more information on any of Olga’s books or would like to read a blurb.

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**Check out Olga’s blog, Olga Author/Translator ~ Books, Writing, Life and Everything Else


Check out Olga’s Amazon Profile Page where you can find all her books including the Audible Audio Editions
author-spotlight-olga nunez miret-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q

If you’d like to keep updated with all of Olga’s news subscribe to her Newsletter

Connect with Olga on Social Media:







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If you’re wondering about the little owl pictures throughout the post it’s because Olga loves owls. 😉

Spotlight: Hugh W. Roberts

22 May

Welcome to my blog, everyone! It is a happy Monday indeed because I have a wonderful guest today, Author Hugh W. Roberts.

The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Spotlight-Guest_blogger-HughRoberts-Glimpses-book

Hugh is one of the sweetest and friendliest people you’ll ever meet and he is also a talented writer. He writes about all kinds of everyday life. Nothing too serious, mostly about the little things in life and how important they can be to all of us. Some of his posts are humorous while others may bring a tear to your eye.

Hugh spends his days writing, reading, walking, cycling and likes to relax in front of the television with a glass of red wine. He’s always been a morning person and does most of his writing during the day.

Hugh’s first book ‘Glimpses‘ is a collection of 28 short stories that allows the reader a peek into the lives of everyday people who are about to have life lead them on an unpredicted path. From a mysterious deadly iPad app, to a hole in the fence that is not all it seems, to a strange lipstick that appears to have a life of its own, you will encounter terror, laughter, sadness, shock and many other emotions on journeys which promise a thrilling and gripping climax. If you are a lover of shows such as ‘The Twilight Zone’ and ‘Tales Of The Unexpected’, then you’re in for a real treat with this first collection of short stories.

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In his words . . . 

My name is Hugh, and I live in both the town of Abergavenny and the city of Swansea, South Wales, in the United Kingdom.

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I have always enjoyed writing and the fact I suffer from a mild form of dyslexia has not stopped me. Yes, I get things wrong with my reading and writing but I now always find those mistakes humorous and always laugh about it. I no longer allow dyslexia get in my way. Now in my fifties, I thought it about time I let my writing become public. Becoming a blogger seemed to be the perfect way for me to do this. I lead a very happy life and always try to stay positive. I share my life with my wonderful Civil Partner, John, and our Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Toby, who I both cherish with all my heart.

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I write about life because I find it so fascinating. I have many stories to tell, some of which I have started to put into a book. I think my life has been incredible and I want to share it with anyone that wants to listen. I am also a wonderful listener and I love to be interactive with other people. I guess you could say I am a ‘people person.’

Hugh’s book Glimpses has gotten many wonderful reviews and it’s available on Amazon as a beautiful paperback or eBook.

Check out Hugh’s blog at: Hugh’s Views & News – A man with dyslexia writing about this and that and everything else!

You can also connect with Hugh on social media:






Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week!


Haiku Friday+ – Fairy Whisperer

12 May

Hello everyone and welcome to The Writer Next Door!

I’m excited because I have a very special guest today, Colleen Chesebro the Fairy Whisperer herself! It has been a great honor and pleasure knowing this sweet lady for the last couple of years. Colleen is a talented author and poet and a great supporter of her fellow writers, poets and bloggers. She is a veteran of the U. S. Air Force and a retired bookkeeper. She holds an Associate Degree in Business Administration, and another Associate Degree in the Arts, which she uses to blend her love of writing with her passion for all things creative. Her first book, The Swamp Fairy is the first installment of her series The Heart Stone Chronicles.

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You can get a free preview of The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy here.

The Writer Next Door-fairy-VashtiQ-Poetry-Colleen Chesebro-The Swamp Fairy-haiku-book

Available on Amazon

In Colleen’s words . . . 

My name is Colleen Chesebro. My blog is the place you can come to hear the stories of the fairies as they whisper their tales to me. I’m glad to meet you. I enjoy writing about the seven different nymph clans. I am a writer of cross-genre fiction, poetry, and imaginative nonfiction.

My first YA novel, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy, reveals the story of Abby Forrester, a 14-year-old orphaned girl who is entrusted with saving a community of fairy nymphs from certain ecological destruction. Along the way, Abby learns about friendship, love, and what it means to actually belong to a family.

When I am not writing or reading, I enjoy spending time with my husband, dogs, children, grandchildren, and friends. When time allows, I also enjoy gardening, cooking, and crocheting antique doilies into works of art.  I live in the United States with my husband, Ron and my two Pomeranians, Sugar and Spice.

Colleen Chesebro-The Swamp Fairy-book-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Poetry-haiku

You can learn more about Colleen Chesebro here.

Take some time to visit Colleen’s blog, Colleen Chesebro ~ Fairy Whisperer

Also connect with this wonderful lady here:






On Earth we dwell

Although fleeting in plain sight

A Dream too bright to last

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Fast and Plain are this week’s prompt words chosen by Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes.

Ron hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge every Monday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your haiku poem. He is an author and poet and also does author interviews and much more on his blog. Be sure to check it out. Read Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge Guidelines for more information.

BLOG TOUR: Author Olga Núñez Miret – Angelic Business 1. Pink Matters

18 Jun

Hi all:

First of all thank you very much for taking part in my Blog Tour for Angelic Business 1. Pink Matters. Reader, don’t worry, I’m not here forever, just twisting the arm of your favourite blogger and borrowing a bit of space.


Olga Nuñez-author-Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog

Author Olga Núñez Miret


My name is Olga Núñez Miret and I’m a writer, translator, reader, and psychiatrist. I love movies, plays, fitness, owls and have recently taken up meditation (mindfulness). I thought I might as well summarise and not take too much of your time. I’ll leave you some links at the end just in case you want to find out even more about me (I’m not sure I’d recommend it, but hey . . . do your worst!).


I’ve been writing since I was quite young and I write in whatever style the story I have in my head wants to be written in. So far literary fiction, romance, YA, thriller . . . and a few unfinished works.


Around five years ago I discovered and read quite a few interesting Young Adult books and had an idea for what I thought could be a series. At the time I wrote the first of the novels and after trying to find an agent or a traditional publisher without much success, I started self-publishing, but decided to publish some of my other books first. Since then I’ve published 12 books (6 original books and their translations, as I write in English and Spanish).


I kept thinking about Angelic Business and a few months later wrote the second novel in the series: Shapes of Greg.


And last year, as part of NaNoWriMo I wrote the third novel in the series, Pink, Angel or Demon?


As I had written the three, I thought I’d publish them pretty close to each other so people wouldn’t have to wait to know what happened next (at least not too much).


The three books in the Angelic Business collection are now available for pre-order at the special price of $0.99 each. It’s a bargain price and they’ll go up shortly after publication.




<a href=””></a&gt;

Don’t worry. My writing is better than my video-creating skills, but as I’d been taking all those pictures of angels, I thought I might as well.

The series:


Angelic Business 1. Pink Matters

Angelic Business_Olga Núñez Miret_Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog


You are Pink, not the prettiest girl, but smart and with plenty of resources. What do you do when your best male friend offers to have sex with you, because he thinks you’re a lost cause? You plot your revenge with your two best female friends, of course!


It seems you’re in luck when a new and mysterious student appears. And, to top it all, he seems interested in you too. He could take part in the plan. But then, he seems to have a plan of his own… He insists he’s not just an ordinary boy. And what seemed so easy to begin with, gets more and more complicated when Heaven and Hell come knocking at Pink’s door.


Pink Matters is the story of Pink, a 17 year old girl, good student, articulate and smart. What she has never been the centre of attention or made the top ten of the most popular and attractive girls at school. When two guys, both claiming to be angels, insist that she is, indeed, ‘special’, fight for her attention and help and tell her she is the key to the future of the universe, she can’t help but ask: Why me?




“Who are you?” Lorna asked. Before she could say anything else, she froze as if paralysed. And the same happened to Sylvia.


“Oh no, not again” I said.


“Hi Pink. I’m Azrael. I’m…”


“Let me guess…You’re an angel.”


I could say he smiled but it was more like a white light radiating from between his lips. His voice also seemed slightly “otherworldly”. He was nothing like G. Flesh and blood didn’t seem to be his priority.


“Yes. I am.”


“O…K….And…to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? If you are going to make an announcement of some sort…I could have done with some notice.”


The light now seemed to radiate from his whole “body” if that was what it was. Somehow his show was much more believable than G’s. And scarier.


“It’s not an announcement as such. But you should know…G…”




“I know he told you he’s an angel.”


I looked at him. Maybe he was different to G but he could be as annoying as him. And interfering.


“Yes. I also “know” things…In my case it is because “I” am an angel. He has not been truthful about his identity.”


Pink Matters is currently available for pre-order and will be published on June 26, 2015 (Amazon time). So, if you’re reading this post after the 26th of June, you’re in luck and can get the book straight away! (I’m also publishing it in other platforms although as their processing speed is different the dates might vary. Do check there or in my website, that I regularly update).


Amazon link


In case you’re intrigued, I leave you the cover (reveal!) and links to the other two books:



Angelic Business 2. Shapes of Greg

Shades of Greg_Angelic Business_Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog


What more could happen after the death and resurrection of your mother? What could Heaven and Hell toss at Pink to top that? Well, to start with, she gets a new hellish babysitter, who is seriously hot. And although everybody likes him, he only has eyes for her. When she learns what the price was for the ‘miracle’ of saving her mother, she realises that she must be careful, as Hell doesn’t lose gracefully.


One of her friends wants to find the perfect man, the other one gets into a relationship she refuses to talk about, there’s a demon who doesn’t know when to give up and an angel who seems to have his own agenda. What on Earth, Hell or Heaven is going on?


Shapes of Greg is available for pre-order and will be published on July 15th.



Amazon Link


And last, but not least:


Angelic Business 3. Pink, Angel or Demon?

Pink, Angel or Demon?

OK, OK, OK. Pink gets it. She’s the Elected, whether she likes it or no. Heaven and Hell are closing in, and their envois are closer home than ever. So close she can’t ignore them. And she’ll do everything but.


However long she has, she’s determined to make it count. She’ll sort her friends out, she’ll help her family and, she’ll live a bit. And then, she’ll take charge. Because no one will say that Pink went down without a fight. However big and bad the enemy.


Gender benders, romances, old loves that come to fruition, new challenges, divine interventions, tears, laughter and magic. All of that and more. Because, if you’re gonna go, you might as well go with a bang.


Pink, Angel or Demon? is available for pre-order and will be published on July 30th.


Amazon Link

Olga Núñez Miret-author-Vashti Quiroz-Vega

As I threatened you before, here are some more links:




Twitter: @OlgaNM7




Facebook Page


Amazon Author Profile






Pinterest: (Don’t miss my board about angels)





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GUEST BLOGGING to be, or not to be? That is the question.

18 Jul

GUEST BLOGGING to be, or not to be? That is the question.

I’d say Guest Blogging is to be, and to prove it I’d like to introduce Rebekkah Ford.

I am certain you will find her to be an interesting person as well as a talented writer. So have fun getting to know Rebekkah (Becki) Ford.

Rebekkah Ford

Rebekkah Ford

Rebekkah Ford grew up in a family that dealt with the paranormal. Her parents’ Charles and Geri Wilhelm were the directors of the UFO Investigator’s League in Fairfield, Ohio, back in the 1970s. They also investigated ghost hauntings and Bigfoot sightings in addition to UFO’s. Growing up in this type of environment and having the passion for writing is what drove Rebekkah at an early age to write stories dealing with the paranormal. Her fascination with the unknown is what led her to write the Beyond the Eyes trilogy.

my coverDark Spirits Cover

So if you’ve gotten the impression that Rebekkah is a quirky artist you’re absolutely right. Check this out… 

"Tree" a character from the "Beyond the Eyes" series

Jack a.k.a. “Tree” from the “Beyond the Eyes” series.

Rebekkah (Becki) chats with Tree one of her characters from the “Beyond the Eyes Trilogy” series

Tree is one of Paige’s (main character) best friends in the, “Beyond the Eyes” trilogy. He’s eighteen-years-old, Stand six-foot five, though appears taller because he’s built like a bouncer, hence the nickname “Tree”. He has brown eyes and a bitchen black Mohawk. He’s the type of guy who would give you the shirt off his back. He’s also loyal and protective over his friends. He’s into comic book heros, guitars, punk rock, and cars. He’s a grease monkey-works for his dad who is the top mechanic in Astoria, Oregon, fixing vehicles. And he’s of German descent.

I spoke with Tree a while back, but a lot has happened since then. I decided to hook up with him again via webcam. We still had each other in our Skype account, so it was rather easy to do. In respect to the people who haven’t read this trilogy yet, and because “The Devil’s Third” won’t be out until later this year, I’ll be mindful in what to ask Tree.

Okay, I just ringed him up and he agreed to come over. Oh! There’s the doorbell. He’s here! Let’s get started.

Becki: “Hi, Tree. How are you?”

Tree: “Hey, Rebekkah. Despite the major adjustments in my life, I’m doing well. Thank you.” He shifts the black knit cap on his head and smiles. “How are you?”

Becki: “Oh, I’m crazy busy, but that seems to be the norm lately.”

Tree: (Nods.) “Tell me about it.”

Becki: “Did you shave your Mohawk off?”

Tree: (His hand flutters to his knit cap again. He touches it, then drops his hand in his lap. A frown mars his face.) “No, but your readers will find out what happened when they read The Devil’s Third.”

Becki: “You also found out some shocking info. about yourself. One could even go as far as to say, mind-blowing.”

Tree: (Laughs.) “That’s putting it mildly.”

Becki: “So do you and Carrie plan on going to school in Portland, Oregon this fall?”

Tree: “I’m not sure. I’ll have to talk to her about it. I know my folks would be disappointed if I didn’t go, and the same with Carrie’s as well.”

Becki: “How are Paige and Nathan doing?”

Tree: (Smiles.) “They’re doing awesome. I think their relationship will be smooth sailing from here on out. So many things and people kept coming between them, but I think that’s over now.”

Becki: “Good to hear. What about Brayden?”

Tree: “I haven’t seen Brayden in a while. I’m sure I’ll see him again, because he’ll never give up on the possibility of having a relationship with Paige. He believes they were meant to be together. Period.”

Becki: “What do you think about it?”

Tree: (Shrugs.) “I really don’t know what to think. The way I see it is as long as Paige is happy and the guy treats her well, I’m good with it, otherwise, I’d have to kick his ass.” He laughs.

Becki: (I laugh along with him.) “You’re a good friend.”

Tree: “Thanks. Paige is like a sister to me. She’s been alone most of her life. Her father died when she was four and as she got older, her mom stayed away from her. Carrie and I always kept an eye on Paige, though, she wasn’t quite aware of it. We also knew she had a lot of pent up emotions she needed to deal with. Thankfully, Nathan helped her confront and deal with all the hurt and sadness she had harbored inside herself for so long.”

Becki: (Grins.) “Yay! Nathan. He’s a good guy. I like him a lot. The other day I had a fan tell me Nathan scares him.” I laugh.

Tree: (He raises his eyebrows and grins, laughter dancing in his eyes.) “Are you serious?”

Becki: “Yes, I am. The person who told me that, mentioned what Nathan had done to Aosoth in Dark Spirits.” I cup my hands around my mouth and stage whisper, “The toilet scene.”

Tree: (He chuckles.) “I thought what Nathan did that bitch was classic. She deserved much more than that for destroying Paige’s family and being flat out evil. Sometimes I think she’s worse than Bael.”

Becki: “Well, Bael is evil too, but it’s a subtle, darker kind, which to me is much worse.”

Tree: “Good point. Cloaked evil is far worse.”

Becki: “Well, Tree, I suppose I should end this chat. I enjoyed visiting with you. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.”

Tree: “No problem. The feeling is mutual. Take care.”

Becki: “You too. Tell the gang I said hi.”

Tree: (Smiles) “Will do.”

Beyond the Eyes blurbs . . .

“A thrilling, wholly satisfying first book to a new young adult series. It will keep you wanting more.” –Valentina Cano,  Carabosse’s Library

“Beyond the Eyes is haunting yet passionate. This breakout novel is quick and hip, a saucy must-read.”–Charles Land, Judas Pistol

Paige knows evil exists in this world, but she never imagined it would want something from her.

After a ghostly voice whispers a haunting message to seventeen-year-old Paige Reed, Paige’s life takes a nightmarish turn. Unwilling to tell her friends about the supernatural occurrences happening in her life, Paige feels more alone than ever–until she meets Nathan Caswell.

Nathan is not only hot, but seems to peer into Paige’s soul, evoking a magnetic energy between them that cannot be denied. But he’s no ordinary guy. He tracks dark spirits, and becomes alarmed when they set their sights on Paige.

And then there are the two power-hungry dark spirits who believe Paige can find King Solomon’s magical ring for them, because when her father was alive, he was close to finding it. If Paige doesn’t comply with their demands, they’ll kill her.

Paige is forced to dig deep into her father’s past and unearths shocking secrets about him and his bloodline. With the past and present colliding, Paige is only sure about two things in her life: she needs to outwit the dark spirits to stay alive, and she’s completely and helplessly in love with Nathan.

Dark Spirits Blurb . . .

“Even more thrilling than the first. This is a captivating series you won’t put down and will leave you hungry for more.”–Felicia Tatum, author of The White Aura

“Paige is a strong courageous character and Dark Spirits will make your heart pound with the emotion and action!”–Julie Huss author of the I Am Just Junco series.

Now immortal, Paige is emotionally and physically stronger than ever. She must find the location of the ancient incantations to prevent mass genocide. But the war against good and evil is spawning another war–a battle between the dark spirits themselves. Paige is saddled in the center of both growing revolutions and is ready to take on the dark forces. But Nathan’s overprotectiveness prevents her from taking action, and he’s hiding things.

Paige’s personal life gets more complicated when Brayden arrives back in town and offers the equal partnership she desperately craves from Nathan. Then there’s Carrie and Tree, her two best friends and only family she has left. Unfortunate circumstances thrust them into Paige’s dark world, giving her no choice but to allow Nathan to arm them with combat techniques in hope they’ll be able to protect themselves.

Meanwhile, Paige is having visions and discovering abilities she was unaware of. When Anwar comes to visit, his weird behavior alarms her. Could he be turning to the dark side?

Time is running out. Paige not only needs to find the incantations but also to untangle the bands around her heart and make a decision that could leave her with a life worse than death–a life of betrayal from the ones she trusted most.

Where to find Rebekkah:


Facebook Author Page



Buy the books


Beyond the Eyes (Book One in this YA paranormal trilogy)

Dark Spirits (Book Two in this YA paranormal trilogy)

Note: These are the American Amazon sites. If you want the UK, let me know.
Barnes & Noble:

Beyond the Eyes

Dark Spirits

Beyond The Eyes Book Trailer:


The Evolution of a Novel

11 Jul


Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Vashti Quiroz-Vega, for those of you visiting for the first time. I am a writer of Fantasy, Suspense and Thrillers. I do, however, have a tendency to mix a little Romance, horror or humor (among other genres) into my stories.

I love art, creativity and beauty, and I know these come in many forms. In my quest to build my author platform, I have met and befriended a group of incredibly talented individuals. Writers, poets, artists and even singers who are masterful at what they do. I feel blessed to have found them, and I would be selfish if I kept the beauty, artistry and creativeness of their craft all to myself.
So for the next few weeks I will be featuring their art, writings and music along with my own work on this blog. I guarantee you will enjoy every bit of it.
In today’s post I will feature the witty, creative and talented writer Chris Andrews.


The evolution of a novel

Hi Vashti! Thanks for having me over.
I’d like to share my novel’s story with you today… not the story within the novel, but the story of how it came to be.
So… A long time ago on a continent far, far away (from other continents at least), I saw a movie called Star Wars and dreamed of growing up to be Luke Skywalker.

Although the force wasn’t with me, I did retain a love of epic heroes.


Fast forward a few years and I began writing a horrible, clichéd thing derivative of every heroic story I’d ever seen and read.
Recognising it for what it was, I went to university, got qualifications, and began rewriting it, but no matter what I tried the story just wouldn’t come together in a satisfying way.
It got reworked, broken up, changed, added to and rewritten again, but nothing seemed to work. Readers didn’t react the way they should have (you know, with enthusiasm!).
I thought I knew a lot about writing, but writing and storytelling aren’t the same thing, and for a long time I didn’t understand that.
So what changed?
I found that readers have certain expectations, and if you don’t meet them you’re likely to fail.
Screenwriters figured that out long time ago, and screenwriting knowledge translates well to novels.
For example, an earlier draft began with: Princess Caroline rode along in bored silence, shivering against the cold… and continued on like that for several more chapters as I slowly built the situation.
I thought I was setting the story up. What I was really doing was boring people.
Now it begins with: Princess Caroline duFandelyon stared in numb horror at the luminous outlines on the insides of her wrists. She lay on her hard bed, bare arms above her, appalled. She’d come to the abbey to birth an illegitimate child under the pretext of piety, and now the Goddess of Healing had marked her for her temerity.
While some of it breaks one of the first rules of storytelling (show, don’t tell), I did it for a reason.
In three sentences I’ve:
• Set the scene.
• Introduced internal conflict.
• Defined the genre.
• Introduced the main character in very real and personal terms.
In an earlier attempt to fix things I mistakenly cut the story in half.writers-block
It was long (over 220,000 words), and so I attempted to shorten it into something more vibrant and manageable.
Halving it introduced a whole new range of problems; what began as a stopover on a quest to retrieve a sword had to finalise a story.
It needed a new purpose, and so it evolved into the story of a girl being hunted by assassins.
It also had to lay the groundwork for the sequels.
And there’s another problem – when do you say ‘it’s done’?
I figured it would only be done when someone read it and asked, “Can I read the next one?”
That happened a few months ago, and I’ve had more positive feedback since.
Do I regret spending so many years figuring out how to tell stories? Not at all. The entire story will be far stronger for it, and so is my writing and my knowledge of storytelling.
With a bit of luck, more than just my beta readers will love it too. In the end, getting someone to love it as much as you do is what it’s all about.
Thinking back, that’s why I wanted to grow up to be Luke Skywalker, after all.

I began my writing career when I boldly and ignorantly announced I could write a better novel than the one I’d just read. While I’m no longer ignorant about the challenges of writing novels, the dream remains.


You can connect with Chris on twitter: or visit his website: