Tag Archives: Coquito recipe

It’s That Time Of Year Again

18 Dec

Hello and a warm welcome to my blog. It’s that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joy of Christmas. People are nicer and more civil to each other this time of year. Have you noticed that? Sometimes I wish December could go on all year long (or at least the spirit of December).


Anyway, this time of year there is a great deal of entertaining. All that hosting can be a bit stressful and could potentially damper your holiday fun. We can’t have that! So in order to make life easier for all  you terrific hosts out there I’m sharing some awesome posts I found on the net that I believe will truly help you this holiday season.



I LOVE Nigella Lawson! She’s a domestic goddess. So who better to give us entertaining tips?

Lawson’s Top Five Entertaining And Party Hosting Tips

Nigella Lawson

Nigella Lawson



If you’re struggling to figure out your Christmas menu here’s a great post by Epicurious

Nigella Lawson Christmas Menu

The Brit hostess extraordinaire shares her favorite recipes for a scrumptious holiday feast; plus, timeline and tips for effortless prep, setup, and serving.




Table settings  for the holidays have become an art form. You too can create a beautiful holiday tablescape. Get inspiration from these sites.

HGTV Rate My Space

Christmas tablescape



Cyndi Mathews (no, I didn’t write her name backward that’s how she spells it) shows us how to decorate our holiday table using ornaments in Festive Holiday Table Settings at She Knows Holidays And Seasons




You can use candles, fruit, flowers, pinecones, colorful dishes and tablecloths to create your own unique holiday tablescape.







I grew up in New York City and I think everyone who’s grown up there has tasted or at least heard of “Coquito”. It is a traditional Puerto Rican holiday cocktail. It’s delicious and I have a friend who makes a bottle for me every Christmas and I share it with my family on Christmas eve. I serve it in shot glasses. I decorate the rims of the glasses with melted white chocolate and shredded coconut. They look really cute!  (I’ll show you how I do this at a later time)



Here’s a simple Coquito recipe I found at 12 Bottle Bar. You really should try it.





Last, but not least some adorable recipe ideas from Holly Ehlenfeldt Stockman’s Pinterest board: Christmas Delectables

Homemade Candy Canes recipe from Whirly Bird

Homemade candy cane



Roxana shows us a great holiday cake log recipe on Roxana’s Home Baking

Vanilla Roll Cake




I love these hot cocoa stirring sticks. So adorable! I wish it would finally get cold here in Florida so that I can serve them with some creamy hot cocoa. I got the recipe from this incredible blog: Bridgey Widgey : Life’s A Party

Hot Cocoa Stir Sticks

Hot Cocoa Stirs

That’s all folks! I hope I’ve been of some help. 😉