Tag Archives: King

Haiku Friday – KING & DAY

10 Mar

Hello, today’s post may not be easy for some to read or see but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.


King and Day are this week’s prompt words chosen by Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes.

Ron hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge every Monday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your haiku poem. He is an author and poet and also does author interviews and much more on his blog. Be sure to check it out. Read Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge Guidelines for more information.

Amazing Animals on Pinterest

God created man

To rule with kindness and love

Not to kill or maim

Many kings shall have their day

Until Mother Nature reigns

When God said,

“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

~Genesis 1:26

I’m extremely certain that He didn’t mean, breed animals and torture them everyday of their lives until they die or hunt them down, not for sustenance but for sport or profit until they are extinct. I believe the key words in the statement above is God made mankind not only in his image but in his likeness as well which I interpret as ‘with his character’. Hunting animals for fun, testing products on them and killing them for profit was not what God intended when he put mankind to rule over them. God is love and he would not condone this behavior toward his defenseless creatures.

I’m sure this will not be a popular post, because many people rather live in a bubble and not know the truth of what is really happening in the world when it comes to animals and what greedy corporations are doing to them on a daily basis.

I saw an article on Facebook about animal testing. I had no idea how many companies tested their products on animals. I knew some companies did but I had no idea what these tests involved. After reading this article I went on to do my own research and investigation and what I learned made me sick. I’m not kidding. I was crying and vomiting at the same time. I was very affected by what I read and the videos and pictures I saw. This knowledge shook me to the core and changed my life.

These tests are cruel, inhumane, monstrous and they’re done on a daily basis to dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys . . . intelligent animals that feel pain, fear, anger and sadness just like we do. These poor animals are being tortured everyday for hours until they die.

Take a look at your dog, cat, parakeet, pig, monkey, horse, snake . . . whatever pet you have and imagine that sweet animal living that kind of life––it’s heart-wrenching.

If you’re a good, kind human being you’re probably asking yourself, ‘I’m just one person, what can I do?’ There are lots of things you can do. First of all, do not buy products that test on animals. That alone will help a great deal. When you’re at the grocery store or pharmacy or Costco, Target, Walgreens . . . look at every bottle, jar or box you pick up and be sure it says ‘No animal testing’. You’ll see these words somewhere on the product––look for it. If it doesn’t say it that means the company does torture and kill animals.

Animals deserve better. No being created by God deserves to live a life of pain, fear and sadness. Please do your part.

“Don’t turn your face away.
Once you’ve seen, you can no longer act like you don’t know.
Open your eyes to the truth. It’s all around you.
Don’t deny what the eyes to your soul have revealed to you.

Now that you know, you cannot feign ignorance.
Now that you’re aware of the problem, you cannot pretend you don’t care.
To be concerned is to be human.
To act is to care.”


Please, be well informed and follow at least one of the links below and read the article.

Beauty Without Bunnies

What is animal testing?

Animal Testing 101 | PETA

11 Facts About Animal Testing 

These Companies Test on Animals, Never Buy These Brands

Avon             Almay                  Clorox              Windex             Tide

Revlon          Aquafresh           Febreze            Vicks                 Nivea

Covergirl       Vaseline             Lysol                  Secret               Coppertone

I know, these were some of my favorite go-to brands too. It was difficult to change them but I believe these poor defenseless creatures are worth this small sacrifice. I’ve been finding some great replacements for them and I’m sure you will too. You can also write letters, emails and make phone calls to these companies asking them not to test on animals. There are alternatives to testing on animals. Other companies and products have found a way so can they.

animal cruelty-animal testing-The Writer Next Door-PETA-Poetry-Haiku_Friday

The Writer Next Door-Poetry-Haiku_Friday-animal testing-peta One Green Planet-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Poetry-haiku_Friday-animal testing-mother nature animal cruelty-VashtiQ-animal_testing-Haiku_friday-The Writer Next Door-haiku
