Tag Archives: photographer

Writers, Bloggers, and Poets, Oh My!

5 Jun

Hello my friends! I’d like to introduce you to some of my favorite bloggers. Maybe you can take some time to visit their blogs. I’m sure you will fall in love with at least one of these wonderfully creative people.

*Spotlighted today are a wonderful group of writers, poets, photographer, and bloggers that are sure to please.


A God Colored Girl in a Grey World staci-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q

On this blog you’ll see many pretty illustrations and the most amazing poetry created by Staci Lys. I really enjoy visiting this blog, it always puts me in the best of moods. I’ve often told her that I’d like to frame her work and put it on my wall. I have to be careful though, because I can easily lose track of time when visiting. I love it. 😉

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The Quiet Journey (Monotetra) by Staci Lys

 Author/Translator Olga

Olga Nuñez Miret is a multi-published author, translator (English-Spanish/Spanish-English), book blogger, and radio personality. She talks about books, writing, life and everything else on her blog. I find Olga and her blog fascinating. Her book reviews are honest and insightful, as well as entertaining. She’s an intelligent, sweet, and charming person and it comes through in all her posts.

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 A Certain Point of View

Alistair Lane is a poet, writer and self-described ‘daydreamer’, and that’s okay because his imagination is powerful and seem to have no limits. I am often blown away by the creativity and uniqueness of Al’s posts.

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Teagan’s Books

Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene is an amazing writer of fantasy fiction. Reading one of her stories (she posts many on her blog) will have you convinced she’s a magician of language. Right now she is posting episodes of her story Guitar Mancer which I am currently reading, and my only regret is that I don’t have more time to read all the episodes at once. As if her stories weren’t enough she posts recipes at the end of each episode that correspond with what’s happening in the story. :p FUN!

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Mrs. AOK, A Work In Progress

Dean K has a fascinating eclectic blog full of great posts on topics like Lifestyle, Motherhood, Recipes, and much more. She hosts a link party called Mommy Monday Blog Hop which anyone can join by sharing links to your blog posts. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet other bloggers and share your stories, poems, recipes . . . I also love a segment she does called Thank You Notes. Check out her blog you will not be disappointed.


Cindy Knoke

5,894 internet followers can’t be wrong. Cindy’s blog has over 500,000 internet views. I’m not usually a numbers gal but this is hard to ignore. Cindy Knoke is a writer and nature and travel photographer.
She retired early after 27 years as a psychotherapist/mental health director and moved to the outer limits of no-wheres-ville to a home she calls “The Holler” in rural California. I thought there weren’t any rural areas left in California but I was wrong. Cindy’s photographs will transport and mesmerize you, and coupled with her beautiful and sometimes witty words will entertain you. Check out some of her work below.

Cindy Knoke-photographer-writer-The Writer Next Door The Writer Next Door-photograph-bears-Cindy Knoke Cindy Knoke-pictures-writer-photo-The Writer Next Door

antarctica-photo-Cindy Knoke pictures-photographer-Cindy Knoke Andalucia-Spain-photo-Cindy Knoke photographer-writer-blogger-cindy knoke

Of course there are many other blogs I visit and like very much and I will introduce more blogs at a later time. For now, please visit these blogs––I guarantee you will not regret it. 😉 Have a wonderful day!


SPOTLIGHT: Photographer Robert Lino

2 Feb

Robert Lino Photography_Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog

I love art, creativity and beauty, and I know these come in many forms. In my quest to build my author platform I have met and befriended a group of incredibly talented individuals. Writers, poets, photographers, artists and even singers who are masterful at what they do.

In today’s post I will introduce you to the incredibly talented and creative photographer: Robert Lino. Robert has the ability to capture the hearts and imaginations of people and pull them into different worlds. He creates bonds with the subjects he photographs, so powerful, that other people thousands of miles away years from now will feel it. He shows us what it is to be human. He cares so passionately about what he does that everyone around him will find themselves caring too. Well, you will see for yourselves.

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Photographer Robert Lino

Robert Lino is internationally known for his distinctive portraiture and his unique ability in the art of posing. He has been a business consultant, speaker and judge for major professional associations. His professional achievements include the Master and Craftsman Degrees from PPA, the Accolade of Highest Photographic Achievements from WPPI and the ASP Fellowship.

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Quince/Sweet Sixteen/Debutant 

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Quince for triplets!

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Exotic locations


Death Valley, Nevada

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Robert Lino

Robert Lino Photography

Miami, Florida

Tel. 305-554-9811



If you enjoyed Robert’s photos leave him some comment love.