Tag Archives: Stacey Gannett

Meandering Monday Blog Hop & Linky Party!

5 Jan

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Hello everyone! Happy Monday! I was invited by the awesome Stacey Gannett to co-host the “Meandering Mondays” Blog Hop and Linky Party for the month of January. Yay! It was a lovely surprise and it looks like 2014 is off to a good start for me. So come on writers, poets, beauty and food bloggers join us and link up!


In Stacey’s words…

Say howdy to my linky party co-horts…

The wonderful Jessica from The Wondering Brain and Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures.

The Wondering Brain200

Epic Mommy1

Now join me in welcoming our amazing January co-hosts!

Joining us for another month is…

The very amazing Vashti from from Vashti Quiroz-Vega’s Blog!
“Writer of Fiction, adventurer, lover of animals, nature and chocolate covered strawberries.”
Vashti cover

Newly joining us is…
The very wonderful Lisa from Chronically Content!
“I enjoy writing about my journey with Chronic Illness and how I have a desire to be content. It’s a challenge and I fail often, but turn to God’s Word for strength and encouragement. My life, like yours, is very busy. I’m a stay-at-home-mom who is homeschooling and trying to live a frugal lifestyle. Because of my health problems, this is very difficult. I’m sure I could learn many tips from you, so feel free to share.”

The very fabulous Dara from Not In Jersey!
“Dara is a mom of 3 kids who loves blogging about their adventures. She also loves reading, Disney, the show Scandal, traveling, and more!”

Grab a badge and join the party!

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Now it is time to introduce our favorite This Momma’s Meanderer’s from last week, and boy oh boy it was a difficult choice! Don’t forget to grab your “I Was Featured” badge of honor! Congratulations to you all!

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Natasha’s favorite came from Army Wife to Suburban Life with the post “A Few Things Worth Seeing“.
Saying, “This is a great post and so similar to my own thinking! It’s so true – when I first started blogging, I tried to copy what other, more successful bloggers were doing. When I found my own voice and my own style in blogging, I saw that I had more readers and they were more interested in my posts. And although I’m anxious to really start monetizing my blog, I want to focus on growing my blog and finding my niche first, then I believe that I will be more successful at monetizing. All around – a great post!”

Millie and Kristina’s favorite came from Honesty’s Protege with the post “My Life Book 2014“.
Saying, “I think this is a great idea – it can help you set goals, see how you have grown and encourage your personal growth!”

Mrs Tee’s favorite came from Pragmatic Mom with the post “Celebrating my Birthday with Random Acts of Kindness“.
Saying, “I feel that the thought of doing things for others on your birthday is one full of selflessness and definitely a large undertaking. I admired the uniqueness of the Acts as well as the willingness to complete the goal despite life’s delays (sickness).”

Sinea’s favorite came from Kids Fun 101 with the post “Snowmen made from Kid Thumbprints make Perfect Holiday Thank You Cards“.
Saying, “I loved the snowman thumbprint craft.”

Megan’s favorite came from Organizer By Day with the post “Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies“.
Saying, ” I love the addition of chocolate chips to a traditional oatmeal raisin cookie. Yum!”

And my fave came from Country Road Abode with the post “Fairy Gardens“.
“The hubby and I both fascinated by the thought of little fairy/elf gardens and doorways throughout our house. He has even talked about decorating one room in a medieval theme and include these types of things in the decor.”

Congratulations to all of you amazing and wonderful linkers! Don’t forget to grab and display our “Featured” badge!

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Thank you to all of you who joined us last week!

Now let’s get this party started!


Remember everyone enjoys a little comment love!

Feel free to “meander” by some fellow bloggers and find a new recipe to make for the family, a helpful blogging tip, a funny story to read, and best of all a new friend to make! There are really no rules to follow, only some suggestions to keep in mind…because we are all to enjoy the friendships that come along by doing these few simple and wonderful things…

1. Link up your favorite post…a story, a recipe, a photo, or a helpful tip…As many as you want, that’s right as many as you want!!!!

2. Please follow our Host’s and Co-host’s

3. Find some new friends to follow, friendships are what it’s all about!

4. Be sure to leave some comment love, to get it in return.

5. Grab our badge and display on your blog, sharing the love is what it’s all about.

Meander through the links and make some new friends, find some amazing and useful tips, and maybe even a new treat to try!

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we want you

I am looking for February co-hosts for This Momma’s Meandering Mondays? If interested, please drop me a line at ssgannett@gmail.com. I would love to have you along for the ride! You can also check out my sponsor page for more info.

This Momma’s Meandering Mondays, now offers more ways to link up all of your favorite sites, so that we have more opportunity to Meander around and share the love! So happy Linking everyone!

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Stacey L Gannett
Writer and Designer of This Momma’s Ramblings