There’s Beauty in Sad Things

30 Mar

Hello everyone! I came across this beautiful poem on my friend Fran’s blog Fran Rose Writes and I had to share it.

Francine Rose Hirst is a charismatic and talented writer and poet. Visit her blog and read more of her poems and interesting posts about powerful and influential events in her life.

impressionistic-painting-girl-Fran Rose Writes-Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog


Springs Bleeding Heart

by Francine Rose Hirst


Spring evokes excitement.
I smell Spring.
I breathe Spring.

And yet.

Spring evokes sadness.
I remember good times.
I cry.

Spring evokes haunting.
Carefree days.
City lights at night.

Spring evokes life.
I watch as an outsider.
A hidden being.

Spring evokes love.
Too much.
I hurt.

Spring evokes passion.
Let me be.

Spring evokes hope.
It has no right.
Set me free.

Spring evokes kisses.
Sweet longing at night.
Mornings alone.

Spring evokes images of you.
Your life.
Shared so freely.

Spring please be over.
I can’t bare it.
Any longer.

My heart bleeds.
Spring’s joy is not mine.
This time.

What does Spring evoke for you? Do you have memories that haunt you? What is your happiest memory?

12 Responses to “There’s Beauty in Sad Things”

  1. Yolanda Isabel Regueira Marin March 30, 2015 at 3:23 pm #

    For me it is about new beginnings, a shedding of the old and preparing for new growth. It is a lovely poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Francine Rose Hirst March 30, 2015 at 7:52 pm #

    Wow!! Thanks so much Vashti. I write from the heart, and I’m happy if it gives others pleasure or food for thought. 🙂 xx


  3. JESS44903 March 31, 2015 at 9:52 am #

    So much heart from you, Vashti!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!


  4. stacilys March 31, 2015 at 2:43 pm #

    Oh, this is beautiful. I will have to check out Fran’s blog. Thank you for highlighting her.


  5. jaye22 March 31, 2015 at 4:23 pm #

    Hi Vashti, love this poem, I agree with Yolanda, Spring definitely means new beginnings and out with the old in with the new, it is also bittersweet as I lost my Mum 19 years ago in April and it is also the Month I got married so highs and lows and hopefully more things to look forward to. Thank you so much Vashti for sharing Fran Rose’s poetry x x x


    • Vashti Quiroz-Vega March 31, 2015 at 7:00 pm #

      Hi Jaye! I was happy to share it. It’s very inspiring and encouraging to think of spring this way. Wow, you’re not kidding––highs and lows. I hope this spring brings you nothing but high highs. 😀 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. dr sweetyshinde April 1, 2015 at 10:07 am #

    Umm, spring cleaning? Just joking. Spring is trees laden with fresh green leaves, birds alighting in my balcony and squirrel babies scampering.

    Liked by 1 person

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