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Poetry Friday ~ BOOK REVIEWS

30 Apr

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog. I appreciate your visit.

Stephen King (Horror, Dark Fantasy author)

Why do you write horror, dark fantasy, and thriller? 

I’ve been asked this question many times. Since I was a child I’ve always loved dark, suspenseful, and spine-chilling tales. Scary stories taught me that it was okay to be afraid, and that I could use my brain to solve problems, even when frightened or use my natural survival instincts to safely escape from dangerous situations. They also taught me about courage, loyalty, hope, and facing my fears.

Reading these stories gave me a bit of a thrill, an adrenaline rush from being scared, and in some ways, it was fun to read about things that frightened me. We all experience a rush of adrenaline and a release of endorphins and dopamine when scared. The biochemical rush can result in a pleasure-filled, opioid-like sense of euphoria. In the end, there is a catharsis to it. There’s darkness and light in all of us, and as I write my complex, dark tales I purge the gloom and feel sunnier having done so. 

Horror and dark fantasy are extremely popular genres. I believe it’s because these genres revolve around our emotions. These stories evoke in people – emotions that aren’t just abject terror. Many fans of horror, dark fantasy, and thriller are actually seeking “controlled” fear and suspense, knowing we are safe.

“It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.” ~Stephen King

Today I’d like to share some of the books I’ve read recently and my reviews of them.

SITUATION Z by A.M. Semple


The heat is the least of their worries when the dead begin taking over Phoenix. Out of the ashes of destruction rises Wilson. He begins gathering survivors, helping them escape the city and the dead. Along the way, the challenges multiply and Wilson’s behavior becomes questionable. Is he trustworthy or will they all end up being someone’s next meal?


Situation Z is a fascinating story about a zombie apocalypse. This was a fun and thrilling read that kept me turning the pages long into the night.

The protagonist, Wilson, was one of the most intriguing characters I’ve read in a long time. While all the characters were fascinating, some were endearing, and others were annoying and fun to hate.

One thing that did bother me about the story was how overprotective the men seem to be over the women. They were always trying to shield them from what was happening around them. It’s a zombie apocalypse! If the women did not develop a thick skin, they were not going to survive. I did enjoy seeing the emotional growth in the women in the end.

Author A.M. Semple did an amazing job building this horrific world, and I also enjoyed the development of all the characters. Her description of the victims’ turning was done so well. The imagery in this book is fantastic.

If you enjoy a well written zombie story that focuses on the characters and keeps you at the edge of your seat from beginning to end, this book is for you.


LEECH by Ellie Douglas


Captain John Lancaster’s ship is critically damaged in an asteroid storm, leaving John and his crew stranded. Drifting off course. 

He was returning to earth with supplies and samples from planet Sol. When he and his team discover they are not alone on the ship. 

Something is hiding onboard and is taking the crew members out, one by one.  

Will John make it home to see his wife and child? Can he save his remaining crew? 


Leech is a short and enjoyable horror sci-fi. Author Ellie Douglas’s imaginative and descriptive writing style is gripping and easy to follow.

Captain John Lancaster and his crew were on a mission to study and collect samples on an Earth-like planet called Sol. The year was 3010, and mankind traveled through space at warp speed, so they went back and forth, to and from, Earth in only a few days, and the captain had been on many missions to Sol. On one of Captain John’s missions, a meteor crashed on Sol. John picked up a smooth, black stone from the crash site and decided to take it back to Earth with him to gift it to his young daughter as a souvenir.

On the voyage back to Earth the rock fell to the floor and broke in half. John’s friend, Nico, picked up the stone and black goo that was stored inside it got all over his fingers and then was quickly absorbed into his skin. After this incident, all hell breaks loose.

Nico became infected with a parasite that ate him from the inside out, multiplied, and then left his body in search of other hosts. With each host, the parasites grew larger until they would no longer need a host. One by one, the crew became infected until it seemed no one would survive. 

I enjoyed this fascinating short story. The characters were lifelike and the dialogue believable. Lovers of horror and sci-fi would enjoy this book.


THE BONE WALL by D. Wallace Peach


Blue light ripples and crackles as the shield walls fracture. The remnants of a doomed civilization stand vigil outside, intent on plunder and slaves, desirous of untainted blood to strengthen their broken lives. With the poisons, came deformities and powers, enhanced senses and the ability to manipulate waves of energy—lightbenders and fire-wielders.

For those who thrived for generations within the walls, the broken world looms, strange and deadly, slowly dying. While the righteous pray for salvation, Rimma prepares for battle, fueled by rage and blinded by vengeance. Her twin, Angel, bound to her by unbreakable magic, seeks light in the darkness, hope in the future, and love in a broken world. 

D. Wallace Peach’s fourth novel combines elements of fantasy and science-fiction into a character-driven adventure. The Bone Wall foretells of a dystopian world where a poisoned planet no longer sustains its inhabitants. Who survives when there isn’t enough for all? Who decides? 

The Bone Wall begins three hundred years in a post-apocalyptic future. Precisely controlled communities with forgotten histories thrive beneath protective energy fields…until those fields begin to fail. What happens when the facades crumble and the past’s dark truth is unearthed?

Twins Rimma and Angel share this first person tale of a life unraveling and mending. Both are strong female protagonists who chose opposing paths when thrust in the broken and perilous world. The simplistic lines dividing good and evil blur, and beg the question: Can one survive without the other? What is the secret of their lives that even they can’t comprehend?

If grimdark tales of spiraling destruction and redemption crowd your bookshelf, this fantasy adventure desires a place among them. 

The Bone Wall contains scenes which some readers might find triggering. 


The Bone Wall is a post-apocalyptic fantasy sci-fi. I was hooked from the beginning because this story was so unique and creative. I also enjoyed the author’s writing style.  

It’s the future, and mankind has survived a worldwide catastrophe. Rimma and Angel were 16-year-old twins who lived in an environmentally controlled paradise within a dome protected by a mighty force field. Their home was called Heaven, and this domed city shielded them from the broken world. Other domes existed housing similar civilizations. However, there were people living in the harsh conditions of the wrecked outside world. They were called biters and among them were the touched many of which had extraordinary powers, including the ability to create fire or bend light. Time and again, biters attacked and tried to breach the dome. Many would leap into the force field only to be disintegrated into bones that accumulated at the base of the dome, creating a bone wall. 

The twins were taught that they, along with their community, were chosen by God to survive and thrive. They were not allowed contact with the outside world. Rimma questioned the laws of Heaven while Angel was innocent and naïve, accepting the teachings of the elders

One day Rimma noticed that the shield protecting the dome was operating abnormally. It would turn off in certain areas and sparks would fly. She was shocked to find out that the elders knew that there were issues with the force field. She was told to have faith—that the shield would hold. Sometime later, the weakened shield fades. The biters seized the moment, invading Heaven, attacking and killing many, and taking others as slaves. The twins were suddenly thrown into a world of horror, cruelty, and bloodshed. They became molded by the broken world and their experiences within it.

The story is told in first-person point of view from the perspective of the twins. Rimma, the angry one bent on revenge for the lies she was told growing up and for the death of her father, and Angel the eternal optimist who hopes for peace, love, and harmony.

This is an intriguing and complex story. The writing is beautiful and vibrant, but at times, it was a bit flowery, and the story dragged a bit in the middle. I also had questions. What destroyed the world? I assumed it was a nuclear holocaust. Who built the dome? How was it powered? Why did it fail? There was no explanation given for any of this. Also, only one of the twins was visible at a time to most people, which was both creative and bizarre. However, these things did not deter me from enjoying this well written story with its unique world and compelling characters. I highly recommend this book to fans of post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy.

Click on any of the books’ image or title to purchase on Amazon.

To Live in the Zombie Apocalypse

Burlee Vang 

The moon will shine for God
knows how long.
As if it still matters. As if someone

is trying to recall a dream.
Believe the brain is a cage of light
& rage. When it shuts off,

something else switches on.
There’s no better reason than now
to lock the doors, the windows.

Turn off the sprinklers
& porch light. Save the books
for fire. In darkness,

we learn to read
what moves along the horizon,
across the periphery of a gun scope—

the flicker of shadows,
the rustling of trash in the body
of cities long emptied.

Not a soul lives
in this house &
this house & this

house. Go on, stiffen
the heart, quicken
the blood. To live

in a world of flesh
& teeth, you must
learn to kill

what you love,
& love what can die.

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Poetry Friday ~ Live Your Best Life!

26 Jun

“…Lives of great men all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time…”

It’s the fourth week of the month! Time for a theme prompt at Colleen’s 2020 Weekely Poetry ChallengePat R. from last month’s challenge picked the theme. The theme this week is the quote above taken from A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth.

Photograph by Damir Spanic


Great men remind us

do what gives your life purpose

find your life’s passion

Our time on Earth is a gift

Live your life to the fullest

I believe I’ve found the work that gives my life purpose and passion. Writing has become part of what makes me who I am, and I eat, sleep and breathe stories. Seriously, I don’t know what my life would be like or how I would go on without writing.

That being said, I do enjoy other activities like reading, being out in nature, kayaking, drawing, photography, fashion, baking . . . I love spending time with my family and playing with my dog, Scribbles. I have an adventurous spirit and relish traveling to different parts of the world and learning about other cultures, meeting new people and trying things I’ve never tried before.

Photograph by Eirik Skarstein

Wishing everyone a fabulous day! Live your best life!

Writers Quote Wednesday – FAREWELL

21 Sep

Welcome! It’s Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

The theme this week: FAREWELL chosen by Colleen & Ronovan.

The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Writers Quote Wednesday-quotes

There’s a reason for this theme. It’s Colleen and Ron’s way of announcing that they will no longer host the ‘Writers Quote Wednesday Challenge’. It’s a sad day for today is the last day of the challenge and the last day of Summer too. The reason they’ve ended the challenge is because they have books to write and I completely understand. I suppose I could continue ‘Writers Quote Wednesday’ but the truth is I have books to write also and I could use more time, so this too will be my last ‘Writers Quote Wednesday’ post. At least for now, I will continue ‘Haiku Friday‘ but I want to dedicate more time to my Fantasy Angels Series. I will keep you updated on my progress with that. Thank you for visiting my blog and for all the lovely comments. I appreciate you all.

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“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

~ Dr. Seuss

“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”

~ Anton Chekhov

“By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.”

~ Helen Hunt Jackson

“Summer’s gone today; I wished a wish that it would never go away,
but summer told me it couldn’t stay.
So I said my goodbyes, with tear-filled eyes,
and waved my farewell to the blue summer skies.”

~Elizabeth Heller

“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”

~Celia Thaxter

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Enjoy your week!

Writers Quote Wednesday – UNITY

14 Sep

The Writer Next Door-Writers Quote Wednesday-America-quotes

Welcome! It’s Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: UNITY chosen by Ronovan.

This has been and continues to be a tough election year here in the USA. I don’t remember ever seeing such animosity between americans due to politics. This country is called the ‘United States of America’ and right now there seems to be no unity amongst the people of this country. America is a country made up of a diverse group of people that form a complex whole. We can be united without necessarily agreeing on everything. We can be united without being cookie cutter copies of each other. We can be individuals with different opinions, beliefs and appearances. As long as we respect one another and show empathy, understanding and consideration toward each other we can be united. A country united is a strong country. I feel that the world is laughing at us right now because of our petty squabbles with one another. They’ve figured it out and are probably wondering why we’re stuck on stupid.

If I offended anyone by speaking my mind, it wasn’t my intention.

“What I’m not confused about is the world needing much more love, no hate, no prejudice, no bigotry and more unity, peace and understanding. Period.”

~Stevie Wonder

“I think family is key, and if you have love for family, then you have love for others – and you have unity as a people.”

~Marlon Wayans

“I think my best skill in this whole deal is as a conduit to try to bring people together, because I think it’s in our unity that we’ll have the greatest strength.”

~Woody Harrelson

“We all dream dreams of unity, of purity; we all dream that there’s an authoritative voice out there that will explain things, including ourselves. “

~Junot Diaz

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Writers Quote Wednesday – Autumn

7 Sep

Welcome! It’s Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: AUTUMN chosen by Colleen.

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My writing buddy ‘Scribbles’ at a pumpkin patch.

Autumn is a beautiful time of year. Here in south Florida we don’t have much shedding of leaves from deciduous trees but we do share the earlier arrival of night and the cooling of the temperature, although only slightly down here. Nevertheless, the feeling of autumn is very present and it’s one of my favorite times of year. That being said, we still have 15 days of summer left and I plan to make the most of it. 😉

I did grow up in the north, New York City, and I do sometimes miss the red and gold autumn palette. I came across the poem, ‘Leaves’ by Elsie N. Brady on Tumblr and it is such a beautiful and sweet poem, definitely worth sharing with my friends here. Enjoy!

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by Elsie N. Brady

How silently they tumble down
And come to rest upon the ground
To lay a carpet, rich and rare,
Beneath the trees without a care,
Content to sleep, their work well done,
Colors gleaming in the sun.

At other times, they wildly fly
Until they nearly reach the sky.
Twisting, turning through the air
Till all the trees stand stark and bare.
Exhausted, drop to earth below
To wait, like children, for the snow.

“I see the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when a day is done.”

~Hazelmarie Mattie Elliott

“Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.”

~Shira Tamir

Summer went away

So that wind and leaves can play

Over the meadow

Leaves tire, floating to the ground

To dress the field in scarlet gown

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It’s the middle of the week. We’re almost over the hump, so enjoy the rest of the week.

Writers Quote Wednesday – COMEDY

31 Aug

The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Writers Quote Wednesday


Welcome! It’s Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: COMEDY chosen by Ronovan.

“Comedy was my sport. It taught me how to roll with the punches. Failure is the exact same as success when it comes to comedy because it just keeps coming. It never stops.”

~Emma Stone

“Being funny wasn’t a career choice growing up, it was my way out of situations; a way to survive another day.”

~Tracy Morgan

“To all the girls out there who think being funny is not sexy, you are wrong!”

~Chad Michael Murray

“I immediately bond with people that make me laugh. These are generous people that give the gift of life. Laughing is healthy it reanimates you.”

This is completely unrelated to today’s post, but has anyone begun to use Snapchat? I’ve just begun to figure it out. Well, actually I figured out how to use the filters, camera and video but that’s about it. Snapchat has been around about three years and I believe it’s going to become a huge social media tool. What do you think? Is it worth getting into?

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Enjoy your day!

Writers Quote Wednesday – STRENGTH

24 Aug

Welcome! It’s Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: STRENGTH chosen by Colleen.

Colleen asks, what does strength mean to you?

To me love means strength. It isn’t easy to love. Of course, nowadays the word love is used so indiscriminately, ‘I love ice cream!’, ‘I love to dance.’, ‘I love the beach’ . . .  that one might say it has lost some of its value and strength, but I’m talking about real love and not just a word.

To truly love someone means that you have to accept the person with all his or her faults. You have to be able to forgive your loved ones when they’ve wronged you. You have to be patient and understanding. You have to be willing to sacrifice and put yourself last sometimes for their benefit. You have to be willing to go hungry, so that they won’t.

To truly love someone takes an immeasurable amount of strength.

Love Is Strength

by George MacDonald

Love alone is great in might,
Makes the heavy burden light,
Smooths rough ways to weary feet,
Makes the bitter morsel sweet:
Love alone is strength!

Might that is not born of Love
Is not Might born from above,
Has its birthplace down below
Where they neither reap nor sow:
Love alone is strength!

Love is stronger than all force,
Is its own eternal source;
Might is always in decay,
Love grows fresher every day:
Love alone is strength!

Little ones, no ill can chance;
Fear ye not, but sing and dance;
Though the high-heaved heaven should fall
God is plenty for us all:
God is Love and Strength!

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“Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.”

~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”

~Ann Landers

“She is strong, but not in the ways most people think. She loves more than she’ll ever get back and she knows it. And yet, she loves anyway.”

~JM Storm

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“I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn’t sorry, and accept an apology I never received.”

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Writers Quote Wednesday – MIRACLE

17 Aug

Happy Wednesday Everyone!


Welcome to another edition of Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: MIRACLE chosen by Ronovan.

What is a miracle?

A miracle is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws. 

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

~Albert Einstein

“Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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by Ivy C. Drape

We live
On a blue planet
That circles around
A flaming ball of gases
Next to a moon
That controls the oceans….
…If you tell me that you don’t believe in miracles
I’ll point out the fact
That we are made out of stardust
If you still don’t believe then…
…I’ll point to the God that made it all.

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Thank you for visiting!

Writers Quote Wednesday – INNOCENCE

10 Aug

Welcome to another edition of Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of ‘Silver Threading‘ and Ronovan Hester of ‘Ronovan Writes‘. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: INNOCENCE chosen by Colleen.

Innocence actually means a state that is unblemished by guilt, malice or any other wicked intentions. So shouldn’t we try to hang on to some of our innocence? Innocence should never be misconstrued as ignorance. As adults we should seek knowledge and experience, but there’s a part of us that can always remain innocent. 


Illustration by Sybil Erdnuss-Baum (DeviantArt)

“A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.”

~Martin Farquhar Tupper

“An honest man is always a child.”


“When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence.”

~Patrice Redd Vecchione

“No security of mind is so salutary as that of innocence: guilt, however confident, has inexorable fears.”

~Norman MacDonald

“Innocence tinctures all things with brightest hues.”

~Edward Counsel

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Age of Innocence by Staša Sahman

Happy day everyone!


Writers Quote Wednesday – PASSION

3 Aug

Welcome to another edition of Writers Quote Wednesday sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then you may add artwork, photography, a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can add anything you like to highlight your quote. Have fun with it!

We have a great theme this week: PASSION chosen by Ronovan. 

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Painting by Marta Nael

I lifted my eyes 

And in the evening sky

A rare star shined bright

I opened my chest

She saw the scars on my heart

I asked the fine star

Bring my bloodthirsty lover

Where love leads, this fool follows

~Vashti Q

Marta Nael-artist-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q-Writers Quote Wednesday

Artist Marta Nael

“True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.”

~Ellen G. White

“A woman in love respects and raises up her man. She is his constant source of support. She matches his heart and passions with her own. She sees the very best in him, even when he does not. She is his foundation; what he returns home to.”

~Elizabeth Bourgeret

“A man in love is cautious with the decisions he makes, words he says and actions he takes, so he never purposefully causes her pain. He believes in her when she struggles believing in herself. He is her foundation, where she feels safe to be her true self.”

~Elizabeth Bourgeret

“I would prefer to live with bleeding heart where desire see darkness of uncertainty because I need to know the existence of love”

~Seema Gupta

Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!