Tag Archives: 2014

The Best of 2014

5 Jan

The year 2014 was a year of high highs and low lows for me. I kept busy with my writing and blogging which made the lows bearable. One thing’s for sure––I ended the year on a good note. And I plan to make 2015 a positive year––no matter what happens.


“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~ Buddha


My second book, The Fall of Lilith, should be out a little later this year. It is the first installment of my Fantasy Angels Series. I’ve written a few short stories for this blog––The Cursed Tree, Fall From Desire, and A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance, using the same style in writing I used for The Fall of Lilith and the rest of the series to give you a taste of what it would be like to read the series. Soon I will post an excerpt from the book.


This year I would like to bring you more short stories in the genres I write, which are horror, fantasy, and suspense/thriller. If you know anyone who enjoys reading, especially in these genres, please let them know about this blog. I appreciate the support. I would also love to do more interviews, vlogs, spotlights on writers, poets, artists, and talented people in general.


To celebrate the new year I would like to list my most popular posts of 2014. Please feel free to click on the links, read, like, and comment.



 The Search for the Last Flower – (Horror) 12 Part Series about zombies

the search for the last flower


The Cursed Tree – (Dark Fantasy) 3 Part Series

The Cursed Tree


Fall From Desire – (Dark Fantasy) 2 Part Series

swamp-fallen angel-Vashti Quiroz-Vega


A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance – (Dark Fantasy) 3 Part Series

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance


The Train Ride From Hell – (Horror) 4 Part Series



Murder She Wrote – (Horror) 3 Part Series

Murder She Wrote_Vashti Quiroz-Vega's Blog

Most Popular Articles

 I Love Animals! 

Ahhh! Fresh powder!

 Why I think The World Should End

why I think this world should end

 Work-In-Progress Blog Challenge

The Fall of Lilith-vashti-quiroz-vega

Do You Judge An Author by His/Her Genre?

mehitobel Wilson

Fantasy Angels Series – (Dark Fantasy)

Author-Vashti Quiroz-Vega-fantasy-stories

The Mysterious Origins of Valentine’s Day


Are We Eating Beakless, Featherless Mutant Chickens?


Writer’s Journey

Book Reading/Signing

The Basement_book signing_vashti quiroz vega

Rainbow Bridge 

RIP-Rascal-Vashti Quiroz-Vega

A Sad Father’s Day?

cemiterio-s-joao-batista-vashti quiroz-vega

The Basement: Robbie’s Rite of Passage

The Basement-Vashti Quiroz-Vega

Popular Guests, Spotlights, and Reblogs

Stephen King

Stephen King 126

 Teachers Appreciation Week


 SPOTLIGHT: Photographer Robert Lino

robert lino_photographer

Risky Issues and Lorraine Reguly


Interview With Vashti Quiroz-Vega Author of The Basement – Reblog from Ronovan Writes

Vashti Quiroz-Vega_writer_author

I hope you can stay a while and read one of my stories or articles. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Contact me via my contact page or email if you’d like to be a guest blogger or be interviewed or featured in a spotlight on my blog.


Happy New Year!

1 Jan

Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’ve been away on vacation and haven’t been able to post much in the last week or so. Next week I’ll be back on my regular schedule. However, I would like to wish happiness, good health and prosperity for 2014 to all my fans and followers. Best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year and for all the years to come!

Below I’m sharing a few highlights of my vacation in Central Florida at the Gaylord Palms Hotel…

Gaylord Palms Hotel

Key West at the Gaylord Palms

Alligator Springs

I saw the Ice Show. Gaylord Palms flew in ice sculptors from Thailand to create an icy wonderland of sculptures. I was given a coat to put on while in the area of the ice sculptures (8 degrees fahrenheit). Burrr.


Frosty the snowman

Frosty the snowman IMG_0205 IMG_0206 IMG_0207 IMG_0208

I also visited Gingy’s house where you’re given a kit to make your own gingerbread family!

gingerbread house

Gingy Christmas tree


Below is the gingerbread family that I helped make.

gingerbread family

One of my cookies came to life, escaped and hid between the cushions on my bed.

Gingy escaped

As I continued to enjoy my hotel stay I had no idea that Gingy (it’s the name I gave my gingerbread cookie) had a plan of his own.

Gaylord Palms




Alligator mote

Gingy made himself comfortable in my bed and used up all my pillows!


In the morning he had the nerve to use my toothbrush! After that there was no stopping him. He followed me everywhere I went.

Gingy_brushing teeth

Gaylord Palms

Christmas at the Florida Keys


I stepped away for a moment and Gingy drank all of my hot cocoa (baptized with Brandy).



He insisted on playing cards with us. He ate, ate and ate (and had horrible table manners)! He even had the nerve to surf the web on my laptop (NO ONE touches my laptop)!

Gingy playing cards IMG_0497 IMG_0499 IMG_0501 IMG_0503 IMG_0516

After a while he grew on me and I learned to accept the little menace. Ha,ha!

All the best!

