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Poetry Friday ~ Character & Wild

30 Aug

Hurricane Dorian-Poetry_Friday-The Writer Next Door Vashti Q-Vashti Quiroz Vega-character-fantasy angels series-the fall of lilith

I’m sure some of you know by now that there’s a hurricane in the Atlantic headed for Florida. Well, Hurricane Dorian is headed northwest right now toward Florida’s northern east coast but there’s a pressure system that is predicted to push the hurricane southwest to make landfall anywhere from central Florida to the Keys and I’m somewhere in the middle.

We stocked up on water, batteries, and all the other stuff – better to be safe than sorry. I’m hoping the pressure system turns out to be weaker than the meteorologists are predicting and won’t have the strength to push Dorian over land but instead, it continues north on the Atlantic Ocean, missing the east coast of Florida.

Changing the subject, I’m excited about Colleen Chesebro’s prompt words this week, Character and Wild because I was reminded of Lilith, the main character in the first book of my Fantasy Angels Series, The Fall of Lilith.

**I would like to give a little more insight into her and answer a few readers questions.


I’ve been asked, why did I decide to make Lilith both main character and villain in The Fall of Lilith?

My original thought was to make Michael the protagonist and Lucifer the antagonist but then I thought of all the books in existence with the same exact concept and the more I thought about it the more the idea bored me. So I thought, why not make the villain the main character and why not make that character female? I was thrilled to write this story because it was original.

A few readers complained that Lilith never changed but remained evil throughout, never learning her lesson.

Firstly, Lilith did change throughout the story, because she began as a mischievous but not evil young girl. Her goal early on was to please God. As she grew into a teenager, she began to understand that her lofty goal of being first in God’s eyes was not going to be met and began to feel resentful of others who God favored instead.

She became more and more dissatisfied with her position in Floraison (Heaven’s lowest realm) and also began to feel stifled by the laws the angels had to live by in Floraison. Soon, she realized she had natural psychology and was able to influence the other angels. When she managed to influence the most powerful angel and God’s right hand, Lucifer into rebelling against God and starting a war, she became drunk with her own power.

Even after losing the war in heaven and being exiled to Earth she made excuses as to why her plans failed – it was Beelzebub’s fault – Lucifer failed to do his part . . . She became more rebellious, angrier and vengeance, after going through many bad experiences on Earth, became her ultimate goal.

The bottom line is that Lilith never repented and never learned her lesson because like Narcissists she could never admit that she was wrong or that anything was her fault. Everything she did, no matter how bad, was done for good reasons. Also, she was on her way to becoming a demon and demons don’t feel remorse or regret, they just become worse – more evil and perverse. 

In Son of the Serpent Lilith is the villain and a full-blown demon-witch. Does she get her comeuppance? You’ll have to read to find out. 😉

I’ve had one or two readers be angry with me because I made Lilith a woman and an evil character.

First of all, why not? Women can be just as evil as men. In my Psychology studies, I learned about serial killers and although most were men, there were several female serial killers responsible for doing things that would make you sick. Most importantly, Lilith is not a woman. She was an angel turned fallen angel, turned demon – a supernatural creature.

A couple of readers claimed that I didn’t tell the story like it was written in the Bible.

First of all, and I’ve said this before, several times already, The Fall of Lilith is not based on the Bible. There are elements of the Bible in the story as well as certain characters but this is a supernatural fantasy. There are also elements of the Jewish scriptures and stories and characters based on Mythology and Folklore. Very little is said about angels in the Bible and Lilith is not a biblical character. She’s a character from the Jewish scriptures. 

Who was Lilith?

There are so many stories told about Lilith, from being Adam’s first wife, in Jewish scriptures to being a figure of cosmic evil in Medieval Kabbalah.

The traditional depiction of Lilith from ancient Mesopotamia through medieval Kabbalah presents an antitype of desired human sexuality and family life. Lilith not only embodies people’s fears of how attraction to others can ruin their marriages, or of how risky childbearing and raising children are, but also represents a woman whom society cannot control—a woman who determines her own sexual partners, who is wild and unkempt, and who does not have the natural consequences of sexual activity, children. Continue reading . . . Lilith | Jewish Women’s Archive


I hope I’ve been able to satisfy some readers’ curiosity about my character Lilith from The Fall of Lilith. If you have any questions you may ask in the comment section below.


I wrote an Etheree about Lilith this week.



was proud

She was vain

She’s never wrong

Feral was her way

Never feeling regret

Her soul needed no guidance

one moment revered and the next

hated and feared. A breeze or cyclone.

Feelings changed about her as the winds shift.

Poetry_Friday-lilith-the fall of lilith-vashti quiroz vega-novel-supernatural-fallen angels-occult-poetry

Character and Wild are this week’s prompt words chosen by Colleen Chesebro ~ The Fairy Whisperer.

*The catch is that we can only use the synonyms to these words in our poems.

Colleen hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called, Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge every Tuesday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your Haiku, Tanka, Haibun, Etheree or Cinquain poem. She is an author and poet, and also does book reviews and so much more on her blog. Be sure to check it out.

The Fall of Lilith-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-Poetry_Friday-etheree-poem-novel-lilith

To my fellow Floridians let’s pray for the best but prepare for the worst. For those who celebrate Labor Day have fun and be safe. Happy Friday, everyone!


Conversations With Colleen: Meet Author, Vashti Quiroz-Vega, @VashtiQV

16 Aug

Hello, everyone! My books and I are featured at Author, Colleen Chesebro’s blog. I’d like to invite you to visit her blog and check it out. If you enjoy the interview, please share it on social media. I appreciate the support. Happy Friday!


Conversations With Colleen-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-The Writer Next Door-author_interview-writer-indie-supernatural-occult-horror


via Conversations With Colleen: Meet Author, Vashti Quiroz-Vega, @VashtiQV

Vashti Quiroz-Vega: The Fall of Lilith – #free until 2017-08-05! @VashtiQV

5 Aug

Hello and Welcome! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Author and Book Blogger, Karen Oberlaender is kind enough to have me as a guest author on her blog, My Train of Thoughts. Please head on over there and check out the post.

Also, don’t forget to download your free The Fall of Lilith eBook on Amazon. The promotion ends today! Please tell your bookworm, book-nerd, bibliophile and bookish family and friends about this promotion.

I appreciate the support. ❤

Download eBook here.

my train of thoughts-karen oberlaender-guest_author-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-The Fall of Lilith-ebook-free-amazon-The Writer Next Door


Source: Vashti Quiroz-Vega: The Fall of Lilith – #free until 2017-08-05! @VashtiQV

Wandering Thoughts of a Writer | Free eBook The Fall of Lilith

4 Aug

Wandering Thoughts of a Writer-Rebekkah Ford-guest blogger-the fall of lilith-fantasy angels series-free_book

Happy Friday everyone! I’m very happy and excited to announce that Author Rebekkah Ford has featured me on her beautiful blog today. Please head on over there and check out the post!

Don’t forget to download your FREE (eBook) copy of The Fall of Lilith on Amazon! It’s free today and tomorrow only! 8/04 & 8/05

Click here to download your free eBook

The Fall of Lilith-dark fantasy-free_book-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Amazon-guest blogger-spotlight-wandering thoughts of a writer

Click the link below to visit the post . . .

Wandering Thoughts of A Writer Blog

BOOK COVER REVEAL | The Fall of Lilith (Fantasy Angels Series)

29 Jul
The Fall of Lilith-logo-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-fantasy_angels_series-novel-book-dark fantasy-epic-fiction

Writing to transport you to extraordinary worlds with a touch of dark.


“The Fall of Lilith is a compelling narrative that provides background on several well-known, supernatural figures. Though obviously religious in nature, Quiroz-Vega’s book strays far from traditional biblical text. Sea monsters, mermaids, and vampires share the stage with angels and demons. And illicit (and explicit) affairs, violent battles, and graphic injuries abound. Quiroz-Vega’s prose is incredibly descriptive. 

A well-written, descriptive, and dark creation story.”

–– Kirkus Reviews

Words cannot express how happy I was when I finally received and read the review for my novel, The Fall of Lilith from Kirkus. The entire review was great but it gave away too much of the story. The excerpt above is taken from the last few lines of the review. However, if you don’t mind spoilers and you want to read the entire review, you may do so here.

Kirkus Reviews (or Kirkus Media) is an American book review magazine founded in 1933 by Virginia Kirkus (1893–1980). The magazine is headquartered in New York City.

**You can read an excerpt from The Fall of Lilith here.

The Fall of Lilith-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-fantasy_angels_series-art-Jeff Brown

Floraison by Jeff Brown  | Animation by CK Dawn (Book Cover Animations)

So, without further ado, here is the book cover for The Fall of Lilith.

The Fall of Lilith-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-book_cover_reveal-novel-epic_fantasy-dark_fiction-fantasy angels series

Cover Design by |  Illustration insert by Michael C. Hayes

The Fall of Lilith-3D-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-novel-epic_fantasy-darf fiction-angels-fallen angels-book



“I merely assisted you in doing what you desired all along.”

So says Lilith, the most exquisite of the angels. The two most important pledges an angel makes to God are those of obedience and celibacy, and dire consequences await any who break their oaths.

At first, the angels are happy in their celestial home, learning and exploring together. As they grow older, though, Lilith begins to question these pledges, which now seem arbitrary and stifling. Her challenge of the status quo leads to disagreement, jealousy, and strife among her peers. As the arguing and acrimony grow, lines are drawn and sides are chosen. Is war inevitable?

Filled with robust characters, incredible landscapes, and exciting action, The Fall of Lilith is an epic tale of seduction, betrayal, and revenge.

Free Will involves asking difficult questions and making hard choices, choices that require strength and sacrifice. These decisions can tear apart friendships and cause rifts between allies.

They can even threaten the foundations of Heaven.

lilith-The Fall of Lilith-dark fantasy-epic_fantasy-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-novel-myths and legends-book_cover_reveal-fallen angels

The ‘Falling Angel’ illustration is by Michael C. Hayes *Click on his name to see more of his work.

**The eBook for The Fall of Lilith is available on Amazon! Yay! Get it here. 😀

*The Fall of Lilith will be available in paperback soon.

The fall of Lilith-fantasy_fiction-Dark Fantasy-Vashti Quiroz Vega-Vashti Q-novel-book-Lilith Bible-Lilith Eve

Connect with me on Social Media








As a promotion for my birthday and to encourage book reviews, the eBook for The Fall of Lilith will be FREE on Fri. 8/04 and Sat. 8/05! 



Character Interview: Robbie from The Basement

20 Nov

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! My first novel The Basement is doing okay as far as sales! I want to thank all my fans and followers because without you guys this would not be possible. I also wanted to share my new book trailer (above). International Book Promo did a great job putting it together for me and I’m proud to show it off. I love it! I hope you do too!

Today, I am going to interview a significant person in my life. I’ve come to know him very well.

I speak of a young boy who goes by the name of Robbie. He is the main character in The Basement: Robbie’s Rite of Passage. Some of you have already gotten to know him quite well, others are in the process of getting to know him, but there are still many that have never heard of him.

Whether you’ve read The Basement already or have not had the chance to yet, Robbie is a boy worth getting to know, and this interview will reveal things that I don’t even know. So there will be surprises even for me.

I expect Robbie will be here at any moment.

(The sudden resonating echo of knuckles rapping on a door.)

Oh! That must be Robbie now.

(The clicking of high heels resound on the floor as Vashti, who dressed up for the occasion, walks to the door and opens it.)

Robbie’s here! I’m trembling with excitement. He is a handsome boy with eyes that reflect wisdom beyond his eleven years, along with a bit of sorrow. He has a dulcet smile. I can tell he’s nervous because he’s tugging on his checkered shirt, and his big brown eyes have not yet settled on one spot. Hmmm, I think we should get started before he changes his mind.



Vashti: Hi Robbie, how are you?

Robbie: Great!



Vashti: Lets have a seat and get comfortable so that we may start.

Robbie: Okay. (He looks around and sits with his hands together, rubbing them slightly.)



Vashti: Robbie, are you nervous?

Robbie: Um, yeah! (He giggles.)



Vashti: Well, don’t be nervous. I’m just going to ask you a few questions, and I want you to be as honest as possible with your answers. Your fans want to get to know you better. What do you think about that?

Robbie: That’s really cool.



Vashti: Who brought you to the interview?

Robbie: My mom.



Vashti: Oh, good! I’d like to meet her.

Robbie: I’m pretty sure she wants to meet you, too. You should go talk to her after this.



Vashti: I will certainly do that, Robbie. Now, lets get started.

(Robbie swallows hard and fidgets around a bit.)



Vashti: Robbie, do you enjoy school?

Robbie: Sometimes…um most of the times.



Vashti: When do you not enjoy school?

Robbie: Ah, there are, um, kids that pick on me sometimes.



Vashti: Why do they pick on you?

Robbie: I don’t know. I guess because I’m smaller than they are, and like, I get good grades and they don’t.



Vashti: Yes, you are an honor student. Your parents must be very proud.

Robbie: My mom is. (He lowers his head.)



Vashti: Your mom? How about your dad?

Robbie: (He shakes his head.) He doesn’t care. He’d rather I be an athlete like he was before he hurt his knee. He thinks I’m a wimp. I guess I am.



Vashti: Why, because you don’t play sports? That does not make you a wimp!

Robbie: My dad sure thinks so. He doesn’t care that I get straight A’s. My mom does care and we celebrate, just the two of us, on report card day.



Vashti: That’s very nice. How do you and your mom celebrate?

Robbie: We go to a bookstore in our neighborhood, and I get to pick out any book I want, and then we go for ice cream! (His face lights up.)



Vashti: That sounds like fun.

Robbie: It is.



Vashti: Robbie, do you think your father loves you?

Robbie: (His eyes fall to the ground, and he slumps a bit.) I guess he has to because he’s my dad, but he doesn’t like me. He wishes Nathan, Nestor or even Freddie were his son instead of me, I’m sure.



Vashti: Tell us — who are these people you mentioned?

Robbie: Oh! Nathan is one of my best friends, and he’s a very nice guy. We know Nestor from church. He’s a youth leader. All the kids look up to him. We call Freddie Spiderman because he’s the strongest teen in the neighborhood, and he does “Daredevil” stuff that no one else dares to do.



Vashti: What makes you think your father would rather have one of them as his son instead of you?

Robbie: My dad doesn’t yell at them or call them names like he does me. He puts his arm around them and pats them on the back when they do something that pleases him. I guess I never make him happy because he never does that to me.



Vashti: Tell me about Natasha.

Robbie: (He turns beet red and giggles.) What do you want to know about her?



Vashti: What is she like?

Robbie: She’s the most beautiful girl I know. She’s really smart, and she’s athletic too. She always beats me in a race. She and Barney are my very best friends. (Big grin.)



Vashti: Tell me about Barney. Do you think your father would want him as a son?

Robbie: Nah! Barney is too much like me. He’s a nerd, too! (He giggles.)



Vashti: Robbie, I’ve heard some disturbing news about something your father wants you to do. Could you tell me about that?

Robbie: Um. He… he wants me to go down to our basement at night. He thinks that if I go down there in the dark and kill the mice that nest there, I will prove to him and the neighbors that I’m a real man.



Vashti: What? You’re only eleven years old!

Robbie: I know! I told him that, but he says I have to do it anyway.



Vashti: Will you do it? Will you go down to the basement? At night?

Robbie: I have to! If I don’t, my father will go on believing that I’m a wimp and a scaredy cat. He’ll continue to call me names and embarrass me in front of my friends. I have to do it!



Vashti: Have you ever been down to your basement before?

Robbie: No, but everyone knows that there are creatures living in that basement.



Vashti: Creatures? What kind of creatures?

Robbie: No one knows for sure, but Barney’s cousin saw one. It nearly killed him!



Vashti: That’s terrible! Surely your father doesn’t know about the creatures. Otherwise he wouldn’t be sending you down there.

Robbie: He’s heard the rumors, but he doesn’t believe them. Anyway, he’s too drunk to care whether it’s true or not. I guess tonight I will find out unless my dad changes his mind. (Robbie stares straight ahead and tugs on his shirtsleeves.)



Vashti: Okay! Well, that is the end of our interview. Thank you so much for stopping by, Robbie. It was a real pleasure having you. Oh, and tell your mom to wait for me a moment while I wrap this up.

Robbie: Thank you. Bye!



(Robbie smiles faintly and walks away.)



Oh, I’m sure his father will reconsider and not make him go down to that scary basement. If not, surely his mother will not allow it, right? Of course! Robbie will be alright. Won’t he?


The Basement’s main character RobbieRobbie


Robbie’s dulcet smile


** The Basement is temporarily unavailable for purchase due to issues with the Publisher. It will be available again late this year.


The Big Reveal

15 Jul

The Big Reveal

Hello my friends! Welcome to my blog! I love visitors. The illustration above is my concept brought to life by the very talented artist George Miltiadis. If you’d like to know more about the artist, and see more of his work click on this link : or contact him at

The inspiration for the concept of the illustration came from one of my favorite quotes.

“The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.” ~ Ursula K. Le Guin

I’m going to use this masterpiece as the new cover image for my Author Fan Page, but I wanted to reveal it here first. Tomorrow (Monday 07/15/13) marks three weeks since I started my author page, and already I have over a thousand “Likes”. I am really grateful to all my fans and followers.

As many of you know, my first novel “The Basement” will be released August 20th, 2013.

The next two illustrations are George Miltiadis’ rendition of my character Natasha from my book “The Basement“.

Natasha ventured out of her home in the middle of the night to rescue her friend Robbie from the basement.

Natasha ventured out of her home in the middle of the night to rescue her friend Robbie from the basement.

What monsters lurk in your world? What will you do when you can no longer see?

What monsters lurk in your world?
What will you do when you can no longer see?

The Basement is a tale of angst, teamwork and solutions, of treasure hunts and adventure, and of facing your fears.  It is a focus on the small- but everything- world of one group of pre-teens and the very real and wondrous world they face.

I invite you to visit The Basement Fan Page and my new Author Page.



24 May
Joshua Rush as Robbie- The Basement

Actor Joshua Rush

Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Vashti Quiroz-Vega, for those of you visiting for the first time. I am a writer of Fantasy, Suspense and Thrillers. I do, however, have a tendency to mix a little Romance, horror or humor (among other genres) into my stories.
I love art, creativity and beauty, and I know these come in many forms. In my quest to build my author platform, I have met and befriended a group of incredibly talented individuals. Writers, poets, artists and even singers who are masterful at what they do. I feel blessed to have found them, and I would be selfish if I kept the beauty, artistry and creativeness of their craft all to myself.
So for the next few weeks I will be featuring their art, writings and music along with my own work on this blog. I guarantee you will enjoy every bit of it.
In today’s post I will feature the poet and writer Adrianna Joleigh. She wrote the poem “Bullied” specifically for my novel The Basement. I am honored and grateful for it.


Raped from prosperities
Bleeding tears rain
Hopelessness infuriates
Self-loathing remains

No reason to wake up
No reason to smile
No reason to feel
I am worthwhile.

Surrounded by hate,
And I don’t know why.
Wanting only to be loved.
Vulnerable to their lies.

Why am I not perfect?
Why am I not pretty?
Why am I too fat?
I Wallow in self-pity.

Repeated struggles
to end my misery.
Hating the image I see.
Who here would miss me?
—A. Joleigh

How A Bully Is Made

Bullying is a serious issue that is faced by many people. Bullies have existed since the beginning of time, as have the victims who have suffered from bullying. The age-old question is, What makes a bully act like a bully?

Do bullies really enjoy making another person miserable or causing them pain? What do they get out of striking fear in the heart of another? Are they inherently evil? You may be surprised by the answers to these questions.

Bullies do not fit into a neat little box. There’s no doubt that evil people live among us. There are those who relish the pain of others and take pleasure in causing distress or harm. However, most bullies are not monsters. So why do they act like monsters?

Bullies are often people who have been bullied or abused themselves, and they cast blame upon others for the bad things in their lives.

People who feel their home life is out of control and they’re not listened to or valued by their family may feel the need to hold positions of power. Such a person may become a boss and gain power by dominating his or her employees, operating on the principle that being feared is the way to gain respect.

A teenager who is constantly berated by a parent or older sibling may feel the need to do the same to others, just so he or she won’t feel like the only victim.

A child who is physically abused at home comes to view violence as normal.

Sometimes, there is no obvious explanation, except perhaps that the bully is a mean and cruel person who only feels good when causing others harm.

~Vashti Quiroz-Vega

Joshua Rush as Robbie

Joshua Rush as Robbie

The Basement is available in amazon and Barnes & Nobles (iBooks, Kindle, Nook)



9 May


Illustrated by Jessica-Art

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to read my post. Today I am sharing a short excerpt from my novel “The Basement”. This snippet will give you a little insight on the main character Robbie and his father Robert. I hope you enjoy it. There is also a short poem written by Adrianna Joleigh written specifically for The Basement.


Robbie’s Problem Parent

Excerpt from The Basement


Robbie’s dad, Robert, was a quiet, serious man with a rough exterior, which intimidated most of the neighborhood kids. Many had seen him lose his temper with his wife, his son, and even his neighbors on more than one occasion. It was never a pretty sight.
His eyes resembled two large, shiny, black pearls suspended in yellowing ice, bordered by bushy, black eyebrows. When he glared at you with those eyes, it was hard not to tremble.
Robbie was nothing like his father. He was an intelligent, sweet boy with delicate features. He was quiet and bashful except around his friends. He was a bit clumsy and awkward at times, which always made the kids laugh. Robbie was a self-conscious, timid and insecure boy perhaps because of the constant berating he suffered at the hands of his father. However, he was also good-natured, considerate, clever and courageous when he mostly needed to be. Although most of the kids in the neighborhood pitied Robbie, some poked fun at him.
His dad was very strict with him—sometimes downright ornery. At least it’s what most people in the neighborhood believed. Robbie was a small, fragile kid who had more in common with his wife’s genes than his own, and Robert didn’t like it. He didn’t appreciate that his kid was more brain than brawn and often belittled him. It seemed no matter what Robbie did to please his father, it was never enough. All of Robbie’s achievements in school—his straight As, awards, and honor roll certificates—weren’t appreciated by his barbarous father. Robert often got drunk on beers, and when he did he was obnoxious. He loved to pick on his son when he drank, which embarrassed and saddened Robbie and his friends.

Excerpt from THE BASEMENT




Blood tears rain down his face.
His chest bloated with poisonous words.
His eyes pitch black and hollow,
Beaten by the mouths of cowards.

Sitting alone in dark shadows
Of the bullies who murdered his wit.
Stabbing his life one day at a time
‘til nothing’s left but an abysmal pit.

Fearing the presence of strangers.
Fearing the judgment they pass.
Fearing the abuse and lies that are fed
Into a child’s life that shall not last.

Desperate to make sense of the pain
Injected daily into his veins.
Killing any expectation he’s ever had
Without fervor, his aches remain.

Foolishly coming to you for acceptance
Into this world of yours.
Desperately clinging onto the niceties in life
Prospects vanish behind barred doors.
What is there in life worth living?
What is left but pain and degradation?
What does he have that’s worth giving?
What’s the point of surviving abomination?

–A. Joleigh

Actor Joshua Rush

The Basement is available in paperback and ebook
(Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks)

“Within this entertaining and frightening tale is a good lesson to be learned.”

 Get The Basement on


The Fog

3 May
The Fog

Alone in the Fog

The Fog

There has always been something truly eerie about a fog—the way a dense, gloomy fog rolls in and covers everything in a shroud of mystery.
The way it creeps in, spreading its misty tentacles over all.
Why does the image of an ephemeral wall of mist chill us to the bone? Perhaps because a fog is mystifying, dim and wet. Or maybe because everything we see inside the cold, thick fog resembles dark and ominous shadows.
A fog blurs our vision, it blinds us to what’s coming and makes us unsure of the destiny that awaits us on the other side. It conjures feelings of vulnerability, despair and fear.
Don’t get caught in the fog!

I beg your pardon…that was just the rambling of an over-stimulated writer’s mind. Welcome to my blog! Actually, a fog is defined as “a collection of liquid water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth’s surface.” – Wikipedia
…but what if a fog has infiltrated your brain?


The Fog

Illustration by phantomphreaq (deviantArt)

Excerpt from THE BASEMENT

Cleo pounded repeatedly on the door. She knocked as hard as she could to no avail. She rubbed her knuckles, which had begun to ache. Just as she decided to give up and turned to leave, someone finally opened the door. It was Robert. He looked a mess! His hair resembled a bird’s nest. Apparently, she had woken him.

Amidst all the drama the night before, as he tried to teach his son a lesson in manhood while his wife interfered, Robert had become very upset. After his wife left the apartment to look for Robbie, he drank heavily. He gulped down one beer after another and passed out on his easy chair in the living room. The banging on the door shook him from a deep slumber.

Cleo wore a concerned grimace. “Something’s happened to your son!”

Robert, who was a bit disoriented, gawked at the girl, his forehead crinkled in confusion. He wore a bewildered expression, and his eyes darted to and fro. He winced and rubbed his head. He had a terrible headache—one of the disagreeable aftereffects of drunkenness.

“What are you talking about?” he asked in a gruff voice. “My son’s sleeping in his room.”

Cleo watched as he staggered forward like a drunk, expending huge amounts of energy just staying in one place.

“Your son’s downstairs sitting on the sidewalk in front of this building!” Her voice was shrill, and her eyes were opened wide. “He could be hurt! He’s covered in blood! You need to come downstairs right away!”

Roberts’s hands flew to cover his ears, and he grimaced as his head throbbed from her screams.

“You sent him down to the basement last night!” she added with reproach. Then Cleo rolled her eyes at him, spun, and zipped down the stairs.

“That doesn’t make sense. His mother went down to the basement last night to get him!”

Robert was ranting, unable to focus, until a light bulb went on in his head and burned the infiltrating fog. Panic surged through his body and seemed to sober him up.

“My poor son!” he gasped.

He shambled to Robbie’s room. He needed to check for himself whether or not his son was there. He pushed open the door to Robbie’s room and saw he was indeed gone. He proceeded to his bedroom to wake his wife, but when he looked inside, he was shocked to see the bed had not been slept in. Dread overcame him again.

“What happened last night in that basement?” he asked under his breath.

His pulse began to race, and he breathed heavily. He did not bother to brush his teeth or fix his messy hair. As he bolted out the door, he was still wearing the same unkempt clothes he wore the day before—the very clothes he had soaked with foul perspiration, and which now stuck to his salty flesh. He had the appearance and startling, offensive stench of a vagrant. At the moment, he did not care about such things. All he could think about, as he rushed down the stairs, was getting to his wife and son.

What happened in the basement? 

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