Tag Archives: flowers

Haiku Friday – Inspire & Loss

12 Jun

Hello everyone! First, I’d like to apologize to everyone for being MIA these last two weeks. It was not intentional. My lap top gave out on me and I was unable to get online to post, link up or anything else. It was a nightmare, believe me. Well, the problem has been resolved and I’m happy to be back.

Today is Haiku Friday and today’s prompt words are provided by Ron from RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge. The prompt words are Inspire and Loss.

haiku friday-Vashti Quiroz-Vega-RonovanWrites


by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

New blooms are inspired

As flowers shed their petals

Lose one gain many



Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make a tough decision that meant someone would suffer for the sake of the many? I watched last week’s episode of Game of Thrones and without giving anything away, I have to say that if you thought the ‘Red Wedding‘ episode was shocking––prepare yourself. Anyway, last week’s episode got me thinking about how far I would go to get what I want. How far would you go?

Haiku Friday – The Best of the Best

20 Feb

Happy  Haiku Friday everyone! I present to you today some of the best Haiku poems ever written. Enjoy!




by Jan Allison

Thick Blanket of snow

snuggling the flowerbeds

with a winter wrap



Heavenly Herald

by Jan Allison

Dainty daffodil

your golden trumpet fanfares

the dawning of spring




by Andrea Dietrich

A child plays alone

Watching from behind a tree

A predator smiles


jeremy richter-morning glory-photography

Photograph by Jeremy Richter

Yellow Butterfly

by Cornelius Chidera

Yellow butterfly

flying toward the petal

of morning glory




by Casarah Nance

When summer sun seeps

Lily of the valley sleeps

Rise in the midnight


I hope you enjoyed these award winning Haiku poems. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Have a great weekend!


Happy Mothers’ Day!

11 May

Mother's Day

Being a mother is an attitude, not biological relation.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein



Hello and welcome! I want to wish all the wonderful moms out there a happy mothers’ day! I hope you all have a fantastic day pampered by your loved ones (you deserve it). ❤



*For a very special treat click here to visit Life, love and Other Catastrophes to read a gorgeous poem written by my friend and talented poet Yolanda Isabel Regueira Marin. You are guaranteed to love it. ❤



(A short excerpt from my novel The Basement)



Robbie’s mom smiled and warmly hugged him. She was about to tell him to wash up for dinner when she realized something was wrong.
Robbie’s eyes betrayed recent tears.
“What happened Robbie?” she asked. She saw the answer to her question almost immediately.
Robbie’s knees were scraped and bloody.
Robbie’s mom quickly cleaned and patched up his wounded knees. All the while she sang to him and gazed at him with her serene blue eyes glittering with love. She reminded Robbie of a cherub.
She healed his wounded heart with her melody. Her song was comforting and her words heavenly. It did not matter to Robbie she was not a good singer.
~The Basement




Mom and Me

Best friends mom and me

Picking flowers and climbing trees.

A shoulder to cry on secrets to share

Warm hearts and hands that really care.

~Unknown Author

First Mothers’ Day

New mom.

New fun.

So blessed.

This one.

Long nights.

Short days.

Go back?

No way.

~Unknown Author