Tag Archives: #WQWWC

Writers Quote Wednesday – MEMORIES

13 Jul

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Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge is sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme chosen by Colleen is MEMORIES.

The following is a re-share of a little slice of my childhood that I had shared a couple years back.


As a child I wanted so badly to be a superhero. I loved Superman, Batman, and especially Wonder Woman. In elementary school I tied towels, throws, blankets—whatever I could find—around my neck to wear as a cape. I ran around the house, leaped from my sister’s top bunk bed to my bed, jumped from one sofa to the next, and basically drove my parents insane. Needless to say, I was a hyperactive tomboy.

In sixth grade I had a friend who was half the size of everyone in the class, very frail and petite and also wore glasses. A bully, whom I will call Godzilla, a tall, big-boned girl twice the size of the rest of us, picked on my small friend relentlessly.

Whenever Godzilla hurt my friend, I sensed a piece of me withered and I grew weaker. I was terrified of the bully, as was most of the student body.

One day, the fire alarm in my school rang. We did the usual: filed in straight lines down the stairs to exit the edifice, crossed the street and stared at the flameless, smokeless windows of the school building, while listening to our teacher talk about the dangers of not following instructions during a fire drill.

As we clambered up the steps on our way back to class, Godzilla stood behind my petite friend. The bully shoved her into the kid in front of her, yanked on the baby hairs on the lower hairline on her neck and slapped her on the back of the head, while my poor friend moaned and sobbed.

Something came over me that day as I watched my little friend suffer in silence while everyone stood idly by. I could no longer laze while Godzilla tortured my friend. When we reached the top of the stairwell I grabbed Godzilla’s arm, turned her around to face me and yelled at her to stop hurting my friend. The tormenter snickered at me and shoved me with all her might. I tumbled down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I leapt to my feet and dashed up the stairs. With a Bruce Lee-like move I kicked her square in the abdomen, knocking her against the wall, taking her breath away!

At first, I didn’t understand what had come over me. I felt no pain after falling down the flight of stairs. I had never moved so fast, and what I felt was a tap of my foot turned out to be a karate front snap kick. I was charged on adrenaline.

Godzilla stood motionless against the wall, wide-eyed and panting while I gave the ninja death glare, and the other kids cheered me on. From that day forward, I believed I was a superhero in the making. Whenever I saw a kid bullying another, I was compelled to interfere. I would call out any teachers who I thought ignored bullying or did nothing to stop it. I was the anti-bullying superhero.

After a few black eyes, busted lips and detention hours I learned that fighting, yelling and accusing were not going to solve the issue of bullying.

In high school I made it my business to go to the principal whenever I saw a schoolmate bully another. I was quickly labeled a tattler and became very unpopular for a while. Not much changed as far as the bullying.

I was frustrated. What kind of superhero is unpopular?

As an adult, I finally realized that the best weapon against bullying is awareness. Spreading awareness about all kinds of bullying will help decrease the abuse. At least my inner superhero very much hopes so.

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Enjoy your day everyone! And remember, every day is a chance to make great new memories. 😉

Writers Quote Wednesday – HAPPINESS

22 Jun

Hello and welcome! This will be a brief post because I just got back from the dentist and I’m not in the best of moods. Ironically, today’s theme/prompt is happiness. Well, in all truth I’m a happy person, but even cheerful people have bad days. Later on I’ll be visiting some of the blogs participating in today’s challenge and I’m sure that will cheer me up.

Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge is sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme chosen by Ronovan is HAPPINESS.

Many people rely on others to make them happy or on material things. No amount of money or possessions will give you happiness because happiness comes from within. Your happiness is your responsibility and only you have the ability to create happiness for yourself. With that in mind check out the following quotes.


“Happiness is not the amount of money you have but the people in your life that help you to create wonderful memories.”

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“Choose to be happy.”

After finding, reading and posting these quotes I feel much better. I choose to be happy today. Have a great day! 😀

Writers Quote Wednesday – REBIRTH

15 Jun

It’s the middle of the week and that means it’s time for Writers Quote Wednesday. Today’s prompt word/theme was chosen by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading. The word is Rebirth. When I first read the prompt I thought, ‘What the heck am I going to do with this word?’ Then I thought of vampires. After all, they do die and are reborn into their new nightly form, but I had already used vampire for Haiku Friday

I think we have all heard stories of people who were pronounced dead for a few minutes and then were brought back. I’m intrigued by these stories of people who died and claim to have had a glimpse of the afterlife, so I’ve decided to share some of the more bizarre tales of people coming back from the dead.

Kevin Santos, Brazilian Boy Pronounced Dead, Briefly Resurrected To Ask For Water . . . 

Little Kelvin Santos, 2, died a couple of weeks ago — or so his parents were told — while being treated for pneumonia. The child’s devastated family held a wake through the night. Then, an hour before the funeral was to begin, Kelvin sat up in his open coffin, and said, “Daddy, can I have some water?”


Dead Man Wakes Up In His Grave in Yemen

A 65-year-old heart attack victim in Yemen had been washed and wrapped in special cloth, according to Muslim tradition. Mourners had placed him in his grave, and were preparing to cover him with dirt, when the man suddenly came to. He was not amused.


Chinese Woman, 95, Comes Back to Life . . . 

Two weeks after falling and suffering a head injury, Li Xiufeng, 95, was found lying motionless in her home by a neighbor. The friend couldn’t wake her up. She was placed in a coffin and, according to local custom, was supposed to rest there for several days before the funeral. A day before the burial, her neighbor went to check on the coffin, and Li was gone.


Dead Man Wakes Up During His Own Autopsy

A Venezuelan man, Carlos Camejo, was declared dead after a highway accident in 2007. Before his wife could arrive to identify the body, medical examiners began an autopsy. Camejo who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began an autopsy.


When I Died and Came Back, I Left Something on the Other Side

Guido is my 75-year-old family friend. He’s been a lot of things in his life—a vigilante, a medicine man, a world-renowned visual artist. He would come over to my parents’ house when I was a kid with a loaded pistol in the waistband of his shorts. He used to live in Guatemala but recently moved off his land to chill out in Arizona. I went to visit him, and he told me about the time he died.


To Heaven and Back

While in the coma, Julie had been given a glimpse of heaven.

My journey begins

I sail black waves through soft mists

Paid the ferry man

His bony arms row the boat

To my final resting place

“You know Americans are obsessed with life and death and rebirth, that’s the American Cycle. You know, awakening, tragic, horrible death and then Phoenix rising from the ashes. That’s the American story, again and again.”

~Billy Corgan

Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge is sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme chosen by Ronovan is REBIRTH.

Writers Quote Wednesday – ADVENTURE

8 Jun

Hi everyone! Welcome to this week’s edition of Writers Quote Wednesday! Today’s theme is ADVENTURE. This is perfect for me because I’m an adventurous person by nature. Even as a child I was willing to try new experiences and ideas––sometimes getting myself into trouble. Still, life is about moments and awesome moments don’t just fall on your lap you have to try new things, go outside your comfort zone, and take calculated risks.

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“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.”

~Jawaharlal Nehru

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

~Oprah Winfrey

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”

~Helen Keller

“It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves.”

~Andre Gide

“Adventure should be 80 percent ‘I think this is manageable,’ but it’s good to have that last 20 percent where you’re right outside your comfort zone. Still safe, but outside your comfort zone.”

~Bear Grylls

“I want to be in ‘The Hobbit.’ I love fantasy and mythical adventure films. I believe in fairies and angels. I believe in nature’s spirit, that there are other realms, other planets, life forms.”

~Julia Sawalha


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Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge is sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme chosen by Ronovan is ADVENTURE.

Writers Quote Wednesday – FREEDOM

25 May

Happy Wednesday everyone! The theme for this week’s quote is ‘Freedom’. Ron’s prompt could not have been better for me this week since I’m on vacation and I feel free! 😉 Today is the first time I’ve touched my laptop since Friday and it felt so freeing to unplug. I haven’t done that in too long. Although to be honest I have done a few social media entries on my iPhone but that has been while in the car (not driving) going from one place to another. I get restless in the car if I’m not driving. Anyway, it has been minimal. Now I have about 400 emails pending but I’m not stressing over that. I’ll deal with it later. I’ve become an expert at catching up. Today I wanted to post my Writers Quote Wednesday post, so I’ll get to it.

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The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask.

~Jim Morrison

“Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.”

~Frank Herbert

“The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.”

~Jack Adam Weber

“I feel free, that’s what I want to feel every day of my life. Freedom.”

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Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge is sponsored by Colleen Chesebro of Silver Threading and Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme is FREEDOM.

**Be sure to check out both Colleen and Ronovan’s blogs.

Have a wonderful week everyone and see you Friday for Haiku Friday!

Writers Quote Wednesday – OBSESSION

18 May

Welcome everyone to Writers Quote Wednesday! Today’s theme is Obsession. So what is obsession? It’s an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind.


I can relate with this quote because this is pretty much how I feel.

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Lately, when I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing.

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Check out my writing inspiration board for my Fantasy Angels Series on Pinterest.

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Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme is OBSESSION.

Writers Quote Wednesday – CHANGE

11 May

Hi everyone! Welcome to Writers Quote Wednesday! I’m a perfectionist by nature but I also have a slight fear of change. Two things that do not go well together like rice with mangoes. Since it has been engrained in my mind from the time I was a child to always do my best and never do anything half-assed, I’ve had to put my fears of change aside many times.

Just a short while ago I wrote about the changes I need to make to my book, The Fall of Lilith. Talk about scary . . . I was tempted to leave it alone. After all, I did have seven beta readers tell me it was pretty good. The editor that told me about restructuring certain scenes also told me that if I left the book as it was it would probably do well but it wouldn’t be a great book. Hmm. I thought maybe I could live with that. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I kept hearing the voices of certain family members in my head, ‘That would be the equivalent of leaving something half-assed.’ That’s when I decided to go ahead and tackle those changes. It’s scary––it isn’t going to be easy, and it’s going to take some time, but I have to do what’s best for my book. That part of me that always wants to do my best––I don’t want to change. Nothing gets better by chance, it gets better by change.

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Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme is CHANGE.

Have a great day!

Writers Quote Wednesday – FANTASY

4 May

Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer then, write a short piece of flash fiction or poetry to share with us all. You can include photos, photo quotes, or anything else that helps to highlight your quote. Have fun with it! This week’s theme is FANTASY.

I’m so excited about the upcoming movie, ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass‘ starring Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway . . . and a bunch others. A stellar cast. And talk about Fantasy.


Meet the Cast of Alice Through the Looking Glass

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Come away with me

Drift in Fantasy’s colors

Escape this gray world

Check out the trailer for Alice Through the Looking Glass . . .

Writers Quote Wednesday – The Life of an Artist

27 Apr

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Hello everyone! I’m sorry for the late post. I saw this quote and I loved it because it rang so true. I felt a need to share it. I had my book, The Fall of Lilith critiqued by an editor which I trust very much and it turns out that I have some structural issues to work on. Just when I thought I was done with this book. Ugh! She said I have some strong writing and great action scenes. She likes much of the dynamics between my characters. She also said she loves my imagination and the way I envision conflict. But I have some structural elements to work on if I want this book to have a strong storyline. So It’s back to the drawing board for me.

At first, after the critique, I was overwhelmed with fear. Could I pull this off? Will I ever get this book to where I want it to be? Then it went downhill from there. Am I a good enough writer? Will I be able to make this work? I wanted to pull the hair out of my head and scream.

Then I realized I needed to sleep on it. Today I’m feeling differently about the critique and my abilities. It’s going to be a lot of work to restructure this book but it’s a matter of taking the elements and scenes I have and using them in a slightly different framework. I can do this. I’m not going to allow my fears to stop me from making this book great. I do have the ability to do that. I just need to focus and get it done. I still feel like crying but I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get to work. That’s what it means to be an artist.

“Remember: It costs nothing to encourage an artist, and the potential benefits are staggering. A pat on the back to an artist now could one day result in your favorite film, or the cartoon you love to get stoned watching, or the song that saves your life. Discourage an artist, you get absolutely nothing in return, ever.”

~Kevin Smith

“The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.”

~Criss Jami

Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer and combining it with a poem, story or excerpt and posting it on your blog.

Writers Quote Wednesday – Mystery

20 Apr

Vashti Q-The Writer Next Door

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”

~Albert Einstein

What is Mystery?

Any affair, thing, or person that presents features or qualities so obscure as to arouse curiosity or speculation.

I’ve decided to put myself out there and post a section of my work-in-progress, Dracúl. This is my first draft. Dracúl follows The Fall of Lilith and is the second installment of my Fantasy Angels Series. I thought this section had a lot of mystery, so it went well with this week’s theme.

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I awoke to darkness and the smell of musty earth and mold. I gasped, feeling disoriented to the time and place. The air was humid and stinging cold. Trembling I shifted on the moist ground my eyes flitted in every direction searching for a source of luminosity. Filaments of moonlight scarcely passed the towering trees that surrounded me.

I raised my shadowy vision to the skies but did not gaze upon a single star. Instead, I saw a mass of dark, branches looming above me. The cold breeze blew and made the trees rustle like living things. Bare branches seemed to come at me like clutching clawed hands. An eerie howling and whistling made by the wind moving around them gave me a jolt.

My pulse began to thump loudly in my ears drowning all sounds except that of my fitful panting.

“Where am I?” My voice sounded small, brittle and unfamiliar. I was but a child. A boy.

Unsure what to do, I lifted my upper body off the wet earth and squinted into the dimness of the forest.

My mind was clouded. “Who am I? Why am I alone in this darkness?” I squeezed my eyes shut and then sprung them open again. My vision began to clear, but my mind was still a fog.

I passed my hands over my face and head. I inhaled sharply as my hands ran across two pointy projections extending from my skull. Shaking, I passed my hands over the rest of my body and noticed the skin below my waist was different from the skin on my torso, arms and face. My lower body was covered in dry, smooth scales cold to the touch.

Images of a tall creature with long extremities filled my mind. Where are my lower limbs? As my vision adjusted to my surroundings I saw that I had no legs. Instead, I had a scaly tail––like a serpent. There was a heaviness tugging on my backbone. I shook to remove the hindrance, but instead a huge pair of black, spiky wings distended from my back. My body tensed. “What sort of creature am I?”

Once more I closed my eyes. When I reopened them I saw colors––grayish green moss covered rocks and russet trees, a sea of gold and copper covered the ground as crisp leaves float down from trees and curl into the moist earth. I gazed at my arms and hands. My skin was red––as red as blood and my hands were clawed.

“Was I abandoned here?”

I wished to escape, but my reptilian lower body would not move. A gust blew chilling the air and blowing the trees. I feared getting ensnared by the trees’ clutches if I took flight. Hostile screeches from unknown creatures pierced the air. I whisked my head to and fro searching for the origins of the sounds futilely. Terror seemed to thwart logic and rational thinking.

Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writers Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer and combining it with a poem, story or excerpt and posting it on your blog.