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Writer’s Quote Wednesday – AMBITION

28 Oct

Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome to my blog. Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writer’s Quote Wednesday. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer and posting it on your blog. Check out her weekly wrap-up every Tuesday and be inspired by all the quotes.

Ronovan, from Ronovan Writes and Colleen have joined forces! He has been linking his #BeWoW blog share (Be Wonderful on Wednesday) now to include: Be Writing on Wednesday. If you would like to combine both posts feel free to do so and link them to Colleen’s post. She will make sure and add you to the quote wrap-up she does each Tuesday. Please make sure and check out Ron’s blog for more writing inspiration and motivation!

Barnes&Noble_Vashti Quiroz-Vega_The Writer Next Door

Today I want to talk a little bit about ambition. Some people view ambition as a bad thing, while others consider it a more positive thing. I believe ambition could be both good and bad. I see ambition as the food that helps us grow as writers, artists, doctors, lawyers, teachers . . . If we eat the right kinds of food, in the right amounts our bodies become healthy and strong. If we eat too much food, especially unhealthy foods, we gain weight and potentially become morbidly obese, and become sick and eventually die of a heart-attack (okay––maybe a bit dramatic), but overeating is definitely a bad thing. If we do not consume the proper amounts of food our bodies require for the energy it expends, we starve.

It’s the same with ambition. A healthy dose of ambition can help us reach our goals and grow in whatever field we’re in. A lack of ambition will keep us stagnant, never moving forward, never achieving our goals––stuck.

Ambition-Writer's Quote Wednesday


Ambition-quote-The Writer Next Door

So lets work hard, become determined, eager to achieve our goals and lets motivate each other to do the same. Lets be ambitious!

Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Do The Impossible

21 Oct

Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome to my blog. Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writer’s Quote Wednesday. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer and posting it on your blog. Check out her weekly wrap-up every Tuesday and be inspired by all the quotes.

Ronovan, from Ronovan Writes and Colleen have joined forces! He has been linking his #BeWoW blog share (Be Wonderful on Wednesday) now to include: Be Writing on Wednesday. If you would like to combine both posts feel free to do so and link them to Colleen’s post. She will make sure and add you to the quote wrap-up she does each Tuesday. Please make sure and check out Ron’s blog for more writing inspiration and motivation!

The Writer Next Door-Writer's Quote Wednesday-Vashti Q

This quote resonated with me because it describes what I experienced when I began on the impossible journey of writing my first book.

From a very young age I’ve felt a passion for writing. In fifth grade I used to draw and write comic books and sell them for a quarter. It was becoming a lucrative business until the day I got caught by my teacher.

I was gifted a journal once and encouraged to write events of my daily life in it. Well, I became bored of that very quickly. I mean, how exciting is the life of an eleven year old with strict religious parents? So I  began making up stories. Everyday was an exciting adventure for me––in my journal. One day one of my sisters got ahold of my “diary” and read it. Afterward, she ran around the house holding my journal in her hand yelling, “Liar, liar pants on fire!” or something like that. It never occurred to me that I was lying. I was simply writing stories.

I’ve always written a lot of short stories. I even won an award for a short story I wrote in high school. Still, I didn’t consider myself a writer. I went on to graduate from high school and college. I became a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and began working shortly after passing my registry exam, but all along my passion for writing never subsided.

One day while cleaning I found a shoe box where I stored many of the short stories, including the one I wrote in high school, The Basement that won the award. A close friend at the time read it, enjoyed it and asked why I didn’t lengthen it into a novel. I laughed at the suggestion. Me, write a novel? I couldn’t do that––that was impossible. My friend insisted that if I could write a compelling short story, that meant I could write a novel. I giggled at the idea of being able to write a full length novel but that was fear and insecurity holding me back.

I pondered the idea for a while. One day I sat at my computer desk and began typing my story into a Microsoft word file––I was doing the necessary. As I typed I read the story and became inspired to change, delete and add ideas. Before I knew it I had added a thousand words. I became aware that it was possible! I wrote every day and was amazed how the words and storyline kept coming. I continued writing, inspired, excited, I knew I was doing what I was meant to do. Then as I stared at my computer screen at the finished draft I knew I had done the impossible. I had written a full length fiction novel and I finally realized I was a writer.

If you’ve ever dreamt of doing something but thought it impossible for you to achieve, give it try. You never know what you can do until you make the effort. So many people never realize their potential because they allow fear and insecurity to stop them before they even begin. Take a chance! You may surprise yourself. 😉