Tag Archives: ambition

Writer’s Quote Wednesday – AMBITION

28 Oct

Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome to my blog. Colleen Chesebro is a writer, poet, and book reviewer. She hosts an inspiring event every Wednesday on her blog, Silver Threading, called Writer’s Quote Wednesday. Anyone can participate by choosing a quote by a favorite writer and posting it on your blog. Check out her weekly wrap-up every Tuesday and be inspired by all the quotes.

Ronovan, from Ronovan Writes and Colleen have joined forces! He has been linking his #BeWoW blog share (Be Wonderful on Wednesday) now to include: Be Writing on Wednesday. If you would like to combine both posts feel free to do so and link them to Colleen’s post. She will make sure and add you to the quote wrap-up she does each Tuesday. Please make sure and check out Ron’s blog for more writing inspiration and motivation!

Barnes&Noble_Vashti Quiroz-Vega_The Writer Next Door

Today I want to talk a little bit about ambition. Some people view ambition as a bad thing, while others consider it a more positive thing. I believe ambition could be both good and bad. I see ambition as the food that helps us grow as writers, artists, doctors, lawyers, teachers . . . If we eat the right kinds of food, in the right amounts our bodies become healthy and strong. If we eat too much food, especially unhealthy foods, we gain weight and potentially become morbidly obese, and become sick and eventually die of a heart-attack (okay––maybe a bit dramatic), but overeating is definitely a bad thing. If we do not consume the proper amounts of food our bodies require for the energy it expends, we starve.

It’s the same with ambition. A healthy dose of ambition can help us reach our goals and grow in whatever field we’re in. A lack of ambition will keep us stagnant, never moving forward, never achieving our goals––stuck.

Ambition-Writer's Quote Wednesday


Ambition-quote-The Writer Next Door

So lets work hard, become determined, eager to achieve our goals and lets motivate each other to do the same. Lets be ambitious!