Tag Archives: cage

Haiku Friday – Gold & Sing

2 Dec

Happy Friday everyone and welcome to my blog!

GOLD and SING are this week’s prompt words chosen by Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes.

Ron hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge every Monday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your haiku poem. He is an author and poet and also does author interviews and much more on his blog. Be sure to check it out. Read Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge Guidelines for more information.

 “You can cage the singer but not the song.”

~Harry Belafonte

bird-cage-poetry-haiku-Friday-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q


by Vashti Q

She sings with the wind

Melodies of gilded love

That unlocks my heart

gilded-cage-Haiku-Friday-Poetry-The Writer Next Door-Vashti Q


by Vashti Q

Awaiting twilight

The bird sings of golden stars

. . . and dreams of freedom

A gilded cage’s still a cage

––but singing makes it feel free

Enjoy the weekend!