Tag Archives: Child Abuse

Haiku Friday – Child & Safe

29 Jun

Hello, everyone! Today I decided to share a poem with you. It’s called, The Child’s Protection by poet, James Harris. It is a powerful poem and not for the faint of heart. I thought it was important to share it, because too often children have experiences that affect them deeply and when they try to relate these experiences to the adults in their lives, they are laughed at or dismissed. 

Did you know that every time a child tells you something he or she feels is important and you dismiss it, the child loses trust in you and the more you do it the less safe the child will feel? It does not matter whether you’re the child’s parent, aunt/uncle, teacher, neighbor . . . if a child comes up to you looking frightened or concerned and confides in you, please take him or her seriously. At least, look into the matter.

Sure, kids make up stories but there are certain things they’re not likely to lie about. Remember that it takes a lot of strength for a child to communicate certain things to an adult, even one they trust. So please listen, observe and look into the situation.

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Illustration by George Miltiadis for ‘The Basement’

Little girl, little girl what did you see?
A thing of horror chasing after me
Little girl little girl were you not scared?
More than I thought I could possibly bear

He was a man about oh so high
I swear I came just to his thigh
I knew he was off, not quite right
I was chilled by him at first sight

He wore a hat that covered his gaze
And weaves lies like some kind of maze
The kind you can end up lost in for days
All things around him reeks and decays

He looks upon children with a sick grin
Like looking upon us is his kind of sin
The evil he had comes straight from within
My fear of him, I know not where to begin

He asked me for things and would not take ‘No’
So I did strike him in that place down below
He gasped for some air as I ran through the snow
Now I must pray he did not try follow

Now I feel as if I am eternally stalked
Everyone I have told this to has balked
Even my parents by them I am mocked
Now the door to my room is forever locked

Little girl, little girl that’s quite a tale
I’ll be sure to tell it throughout the dale
Little girl, little girl I can hear you cry
The sound only little girls make as they die

Old man, old man I knew it was you
I knew our little game was not through
So open this door if you want your kind of fun
And see my justice through the barrel of this gun

James Harris


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Illustration by George Miltiadis for ‘The Basement’

My contribution this week:

I never felt safe

No monsters under my bed

You crawled into mine

Child and Safe are this week’s prompt words chosen by Ronovan Hester of Ronovan Writes.

Ron hosts a challenge that anyone could participate in called Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge every Monday, and you have until Sunday to create a post featuring your haiku poem. He is an author and poet and also does author interviews and much more on his blog. Be sure to check it out. Read Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge Guidelines for more information.

Don’t Turn Your Face Away

16 Feb

Hello! Welcome to my blog! My name is Vashti and I’m a writer of fiction. I plan to entertain you with my short stories, articles and featured writers, artists and poets, but once in a while I will get serious about the issues I care about. I have zero tolerance for any kind of bullying or child abuse. I believe creating awareness of these issues is an important first step to stopping it. I also believe that the people who stand up to bullies and abusers are real life superheroes.


child abuse-don't-turn-your-face-away


Don’t Turn Your Face Away

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

Don’t turn your face away.
Once you’ve seen, you can no longer act like you don’t know.
Open your eyes to the truth. It’s all around you.
Don’t deny what the eyes to your soul have revealed to you.

Now that you know, you cannot feign ignorance.
Now that you’re aware, you cannot pretend you don’t care.
To be concerned is to be human.
To act is to care.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Abuse: Signs of Abusive Relationships (Click on picture)

1 out of 7 children are abused . . .
How many do you know?


Child Abuse Prevention: What You Should Know and How You Can Help (click on picture)

Don’t turn your face away.


Domestic Violence Against Men (click on picture)

If my post were made of paper it would be wet with my tears. Have you ever confronted a bully? If you saw a woman beating up a man would you interfere?

Wordless Haiku

5 Dec









Russian Mother Relives Nightmare of Seeing Dead Daughter Turned Into a Human Doll. Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction.


Welcome to Haiku Friday! So my friend Ronovan from Ronovan Writes came up with this very cool challenge called ‘Wordless Haiku Challenge‘ in which the participant has to create a haiku using images. You may use the prompts he gives you or not. Take another look at the pictures above. What do you think they mean as a whole. What am I trying to say? Then check out my haiku. 😉



The Making of a PSYCHO

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega



Love mommy dearest

A child trapped in darkness cries

Bleached corpse with doll face



Were you able to guess the story I was trying to tell? Have you seen Mommy Dearest, best selling memoir, turned motion picture? Have you seen any of the Psycho (Hitchcock classic) movies?





5 Apr

Verbal Abuse


Hello! If you’re like me you can’t tolerate any kind of abuse. Verbal abuse is a serious type of abuse. Yet, I feel it is the most tolerated and less reported. Why? Maybe because verbal abuse does not leave marks on your body like physical or sexual abuse. But don’t be fooled by the lack of physical evidence. Verbal abuse is just as damaging and could lead to death––even if it is by the victim’s own hand. Choose your words carefully. Especially when talking to a child. 




by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

Words! What power they hold. Once they have rooted in your psyche, it is difficult to escape them. Words can shape the future of a child and destroy the existence of an adult.
Words are powerful. Be careful how you use them because once you have pronounced them, you cannot remove the scar they leave behind.





What would you do if you witnessed a child being verbally abused? What would you do if you saw a child being physically abused? Would you intervene? Call the police?